A systematic review of outdoor gym use: Current evidence and future directions
Objectives While outdoor gyms are being rapidly installed around the globe, little is known
about their implications on physical activity, and fitness and other health-related outcomes …
about their implications on physical activity, and fitness and other health-related outcomes …
[HTML][HTML] Health-promoting behavior and lifestyle characteristics of students as a function of sex and academic level
C Müller, K El-Ansari, W El Ansari - International journal of environmental …, 2022 - mdpi.com
University students frequently engage in unhealthy behaviors. However, there is a lack of
studies examining a wide range of their lifestyle characteristics by sex and academic level of …
studies examining a wide range of their lifestyle characteristics by sex and academic level of …
Practitioner and digitally delivered interventions for reducing hazardous and harmful alcohol consumption in people not seeking alcohol treatment: a systematic review …
Aim To compare the effectiveness of practitioner versus digitally delivered interventions for
reducing hazardous and harmful alcohol consumption. Design Systematic review and …
reducing hazardous and harmful alcohol consumption. Design Systematic review and …
Healthy lifestyles of university students, according to demographics, nationality, and study specialty with special reference to sport studies
This study compares lifestyles behavior in Italian and Latvian university students, with
special reference to sport students, to assess if there are differences for sex, age, university …
special reference to sport students, to assess if there are differences for sex, age, university …
“Letting Go and Staying Connected”: Substance use outcomes from a developmentally targeted intervention for parents of college students
We present results of a randomized, controlled, efficacy trial of a handbook intervention for
parents of first-year college students. The aim of the interactive intervention was to decrease …
parents of first-year college students. The aim of the interactive intervention was to decrease …
Legal and illegal drug consumption among students at the University of Seville (Spain)
V Llorent-Bedmar, L Torres-Zaragoza… - Education …, 2023 - mdpi.com
In current society, the fight against drug abuse is an important social challenge given its
harmful effects on health and quality of life, globally. Numerous studies show that university …
harmful effects on health and quality of life, globally. Numerous studies show that university …
A balancing act–finding one s way to health and well-being: A qualitative analysis of interviews with Swedish university students on lifestyle and behavior change
Introduction Unhealthy lifestyle behaviors such as unhealthy diets, low physical activity
levels, smoking, and harmful alcohol consumption are common in student populations …
levels, smoking, and harmful alcohol consumption are common in student populations …
Perfect people, happier lives? When the quest for perfection compromises happiness: the roles played by substance use and internet addiction
Building on the Conservation of Resources Theory and the Stress-Co** Model, the
present study explored the relationship between perfectionism (rigid, self-critical …
present study explored the relationship between perfectionism (rigid, self-critical …
Üniversite öğrencilerinin beslenme bilgi düzeyi ve obezite durumunun değerlendirilmesi
S Atasoy, AE Güngör - Turkish Journal of Family Medicine and …, 2022 - dergipark.org.tr
Giriş: Dünyada ve ülkemizde önemli bir sağlık sorunu olan obezitenin oluşumuna pek çok
faktör katkıda bulunmaktadır. Sunulan çalışma beslenme bilgi düzeyinin üniversite …
faktör katkıda bulunmaktadır. Sunulan çalışma beslenme bilgi düzeyinin üniversite …
[HTML][HTML] Capturing the context of drug use for college students: A contextual behavioural science informed qualitative analysis of harm reduction practices using …
Drug use during college can have substantial harm on students' lives and impacts the
institutions' functioning and local communities. Yet existing interventions for drug use at …
institutions' functioning and local communities. Yet existing interventions for drug use at …