Research progress and key scientific issues of continental shale oil in China

Z **, G Wang, G Liu, B Gao, Q Liu, H Wang… - Acta Petrolei …, 2021 -
China's continental basins are rich in shale oil resources and thus are an important strategic
replacement field for increasing oil and gas reserves and production. Limited by the special …


金之钧, 王冠**, 刘光祥, 高波, 刘全有, 王红亮… - 石油学报, 2021 -
**陆相盆地页岩油资源丰富, 是**油气增储上产的重要战略接替领域.
限于陆相盆地特殊复杂的地质条件, 陆相页岩油的富集规律与主控因素不够明确 …

Several issues worthy of attention in current lacustrine shale oil exploration and development

JIN Zhijun, ZHU Rukai, X Liang, S Yunqi - Petroleum Exploration and …, 2021 - Elsevier
Based on the current research status of shale oil exploration and development at home and
abroad, combing the field observations, dissection of typical shale oil regions, analysis and …

Evaluation technology and practice of continental shale oil development in China

LI Yang, Z Qingmin, LYU Qi, XUE Zhaojie… - Petroleum Exploration …, 2022 - Elsevier
This paper analyzes the differences in geological and development characteristics between
continental shale oil in China and marine shale oil in North America, reviews the evaluation …

Movable oil content evaluation of lacustrine organic-rich shales: Methods and a novel quantitative evaluation model

T Hu, X Pang, F Jiang, Q Wang, X Liu, Z Wang… - Earth-Science …, 2021 - Elsevier
Lacustrine shale oil resources are abundant and play important roles in maintaining a
sustainable economy. The uncertainty in the movable oil content of organic-rich shales with …

Sorption model of lacustrine shale oil: Insights from the contribution of organic matter and clay minerals

J Li, M Wang, C Jiang, S Lu, Z Li - Energy, 2022 - Elsevier
Shale oil is a promising alternative unconventional energy to conventional fossil fuels.
Although some studies have been conducted on total oil content, little work to date was …

[PDF][PDF] 当前陆相页岩油勘探开发值得关注的几个问题

金之钧, 朱如凯, 梁新**, 沈云琦 - PETROLEUM EXPLORATION AND …, 2021 -
基于国内外页岩油勘探开发现状, 综合野外观测, 典型页岩油区解剖, 富有机质页岩样品分析与
测试等, 对比中美海相与陆相盆地页岩油地质, 工程特征的差异性, 提出并分析针对**典型盆地 …

Adsorbed and free hydrocarbons in unconventional shale reservoir: A new insight from NMR T1-T2 maps

J Li, C Jiang, M Wang, S Lu, Z Chen, G Chen… - Marine and Petroleum …, 2020 - Elsevier
Characterizing free and adsorbed hydrocarbon is crucial for the resources assessment and
mobility evaluation of shale oil plays. The complex feature of hydrogen-bearing components …

1D and 2D Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) relaxation behaviors of protons in clay, kerogen and oil-bearing shale rocks

P Zhang, S Lu, J Li, X Chang - Marine and Petroleum Geology, 2020 - Elsevier
Abstract Few 1D T 2 and 2D T 1-T 2 Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) studies have
focused on oil-bearing shales with complex constituents and a deeper understanding of the …

Nanoscale liquid hydrocarbon adsorption on clay minerals: A molecular dynamics simulation of shale oils

Z Cao, H Jiang, J Zeng, H Saibi, T Lu, X **e… - Chemical Engineering …, 2021 - Elsevier
As adsorption can influence the phase behavior of shale oils, and consequently their
transport, understanding the adsorption behavior of liquid hydrocarbons in shale is essential …