[HTML][HTML] Evaluating epistemic negation in answer set programming

YD Shen, T Eiter - Artificial Intelligence, 2016 - Elsevier
Epistemic negation not along with default negation¬ plays a key role in knowledge
representation and nonmonotonic reasoning. However, the existing epistemic approaches …

A model building framework for answer set programming with external computations

T Eiter, M Fink, G Ianni, T Krennwallner… - Theory and Practice of …, 2016 - cambridge.org
As software systems are getting increasingly connected, there is a need for equip**
nonmonotonic logic programs with access to external sources that are possibly remote and …

[PDF][PDF] Logic-Based Approaches to Formal Argumentation.

O Arieli, AM Borg, J Heyninck, C Straßer - FLAP, 2021 - cgi.csc.liv.ac.uk
We study the logical foundations of Dung-style argumentation frameworks. Logicbased
methods in the context of argumentation theory are described from two perspectives:(a) a …

Rewriting recursive aggregates in answer set programming: back to monotonicity

M Alviano, W Faber, M Gebser - Theory and Practice of Logic …, 2015 - cambridge.org
Aggregation functions are widely used in answer set programming for representing and
reasoning on knowledge involving sets of objects collectively. Current implementations …

Vicious circle principle, aggregates, and formation of sets in ASP based languages

M Gelfond, Y Zhang - Artificial Intelligence, 2019 - Elsevier
The paper introduces an extension of the original Answer Set Prolog (ASP) by several set
constructs including aggregates, defined as functions on sets. The new language, called A …

Aggregate semantics for propositional answer set programs

M Alviano, W Faber, M Gebser - Theory and Practice of Logic …, 2023 - cambridge.org
Answer set programming (ASP) emerged in the late 1990s as a paradigm for knowledge
representation and reasoning. The attractiveness of ASP builds on an expressive high-level …

Aggregates in answer set programming

M Alviano, W Faber - KI-Künstliche Intelligenz, 2018 - Springer
Aggregates are among the most important linguistic extensions of Answer Set Programming
(ASP), allowing for compact representations of properties and inductive definitions involving …

[PDF][PDF] Single-Shot Epistemic Logic Program Solving.

M Bichler, M Morak, S Woltran - IJCAI, 2018 - ijcai.org
Abstract Epistemic Logic Programs (ELPs) are an extension of Answer Set Programming
(ASP) with epistemic operators that allow for a form of meta-reasoning, that is, reasoning …

[HTML][HTML] Fixed point semantics for stream reasoning

C Antić - Artificial Intelligence, 2020 - Elsevier
Abstract Reasoning over streams of input data is an essential part of human intelligence.
During the last decade stream reasoning has emerged as a research area within the AI …

Exploiting partial assignments for efficient evaluation of answer set programs with external source access

T Eiter, T Kaminski, C Redl, A Weinzierl - Journal of Artificial Intelligence …, 2018 - jair.org
Answer Set Programming (ASP) is a well-known declarative problem solving approach
based on nonmonotonic logic programs, which has been successfully applied to a wide …