Measuring algorithmically infused societies
It has been the historic responsibility of the social sciences to investigate human societies.
Fulfilling this responsibility requires social theories, measurement models and social data …
Fulfilling this responsibility requires social theories, measurement models and social data …
A research agenda for the study of social norm change
Social norms have been investigated across many disciplines for many years, but until
recently, studies mainly provided indirect, implicit and correlational support for the role of …
recently, studies mainly provided indirect, implicit and correlational support for the role of …
[PDF][PDF] Can large language models transform computational social science?
Large language models (LLMs) are capable of successfully performing many language
processing tasks zero-shot (without training data). If zero-shot LLMs can also reliably classify …
processing tasks zero-shot (without training data). If zero-shot LLMs can also reliably classify …
Simulating social media using large language models to evaluate alternative news feed algorithms
P Törnberg, D Valeeva, J Uitermark, C Bail - ar** in the social sciences
Web scra**, defined as the automated extraction of information online, is an increasingly
important means of producing data in the social sciences. We contribute to emerging social …
important means of producing data in the social sciences. We contribute to emerging social …
Argumentative conversational agents for online discussions
Artificial Intelligence is revolutionising our communication practices and the ways in which
we interact with each other. This revolution does not only impact how we communicate, but it …
we interact with each other. This revolution does not only impact how we communicate, but it …
From fair predictions to just decisions? Conceptualizing algorithmic fairness and distributive justice in the context of data-driven decision-making
Prediction algorithms are regularly used to support and automate high-stakes policy
decisions about the allocation of scarce public resources. However, data-driven decision …
decisions about the allocation of scarce public resources. However, data-driven decision …
Introduction to the handbook of computational social science
We write the introduction to the two-volume Handbook of Computational Social Science with
excitement and awe. The handbook brings together a considerable corpus of research and …
excitement and awe. The handbook brings together a considerable corpus of research and …
Environmental criminology in the big data era
This study examines to what extent new and emerging data sources or big data have been
empirically used to measure key theoretical concepts within environmental criminology. By …
empirically used to measure key theoretical concepts within environmental criminology. By …