Risikorapport norsk fiskeoppdrett 2022-kunnskapsstatus-Effekter på miljø og dyrevelferd i norsk fiskeoppdrett

ES Grefsrud, PA Bjørn, BE Grøsvik… - Rapport fra …, 2022 - imr.brage.unit.no
Oppdrett i åpne merder gjør at smittestoffer fra oppdrettsanleggene vil kunne drive fra
merdene og ut i miljøet. Lakselus som slippes fra hunnlus som sitter på oppdrettsfisk antas, i …

[HTML][HTML] Estimated effectiveness of treatments against salmon lice in marine salmonid farming

M Aldrin, RB Huseby, LC Stige, KO Helgesen - Aquaculture, 2023 - Elsevier
We here estimate the effectiveness of ten types of salmon lice treatments currently used in
the salmonid industry by analysing daily and cage-wise data from 90 full production cycles …

Black sand nanoparticles and heat stress impacts the neurological and oxidative stress indices and splenic-renal histology of Clarias gariepinus

AEDH Sayed, REM Said, MA El-Aal, E Saad… - Scientific Reports, 2024 - nature.com
In Egypt, while many studies have focused on the radiometry and mineralogy of black sands,
research on their effects on nearby aquatic organisms is rare. This study aimed to assess the …

[PDF][PDF] Risikorapport norsk fiskeoppdrett 2021-kunnskapsstatus-Kunnskapsstatus effekter av norsk fiskeoppdrett

ES Grefsrud, Ø Karlsen, BO Kvamme… - Rapport fra …, 2021 - imr.brage.unit.no
Havforskningsinstituttet har siden 2011 gitt ut en årlig rapport for risikovurdering av norsk
fiskeoppdrett. Fra 2019 publiseres Risikovurdering norsk fiskeoppdrett nå som to …

[HTML][HTML] Sea lice management measures for farmed Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) in Scotland: Costs and effectiveness

AS Boerlage, S Shrestha, I Leinonen, MD Jansen… - Aquaculture, 2024 - Elsevier
Cultured and wild Atlantic salmon around the world are affected by sea lice. Salmon
culturing countries have policies in place to minimize sea lice abundance on cultured …

[HTML][HTML] Declining size-at-harvest in Norwegian salmon aquaculture: Lice, disease, and the role of stunboats

LT Barrett, T Oldham, TS Kristiansen, F Oppedal… - Aquaculture, 2022 - Elsevier
Sea cages used for fish farming are typically open to the environment, making the grow-out
phase a race against the accumulation of infections. In Norway, farmed Atlantic salmon …

Comparison of non-medicinal delousing strategies for parasite (Lepeophtheirus salmonis) removal efficacy and welfare impact on Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) …

CRS Thompson, A Madaro, J Nilsson, LH Stien… - Aquaculture …, 2024 - Springer
Since salmon lice have developed resistance to pesticides, non-medicinal delousing
treatments have become increasingly used to remove the parasite from fish on salmon farms …

Recognising trade-offs between welfare and environmental outcomes in aquaculture will enable good decisions

G Macaulay, LT Barrett, T Dempster - Aquaculture Environment …, 2022 - int-res.com
As aquaculture expands, ensuring the sustainability of practices requires a focus on
minimising environmental effects. At the same time, where fish are cultured, their welfare …

[HTML][HTML] Exploring the impact of thermal delousing on gill health and microbiome dynamics in farmed Atlantic Salmon

A Elsheshtawy, BGJ Clokie, A Albalat, A Nylund… - Aquaculture, 2024 - Elsevier
The economic cost of salmon louse (Lepeophtheirus salmonis and Caligus rogercresseyi)
infestations in the Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) industry has been estimated to be around …

[HTML][HTML] Effect of water temperature and exposure duration on detachment rate of salmon lice (Lepeophtheirus salmonis); testing the relevant thermal spectrum used …

J Nilsson, LT Barrett, A Mangor-Jensen, V Nola… - Aquaculture, 2023 - Elsevier
Thermal delousing has become the most applied method for treatment against salmon lice.
However, the temperature range used is strongly aversive for salmonids, and the method is …