Annotation: from paper books to the digital library
Readers annotate paper books as a routine part of their engagement with the materials; it is
a useful practice. manifested through a wide variety of markings made in service of very …
a useful practice. manifested through a wide variety of markings made in service of very …
[PDF][PDF] Spatial hypertext: an alternative to navigational and semantic links
Hypertext began as a vision of interconnected reference materials [Bush 1945] and literature
[Robertson 1998]. These early visions were joined by working systems that supported link …
[Robertson 1998]. These early visions were joined by working systems that supported link …
[PDF][PDF] Patterns of information seeking on the Web: A qualitative study of domain expertise and Web expertise
This research examines the pattern of Web information seeking in four groups of nurses with
different combinations of domain expertise and Web expertise. Protocols were gathered as …
different combinations of domain expertise and Web expertise. Protocols were gathered as …
[ספר][B] Reading and writing the electronic book
C Marshall - 2009 -
Developments over the last twenty years have fueled considerable speculation about the
future of the book and of reading itself. This book begins with a gloss over the history of …
future of the book and of reading itself. This book begins with a gloss over the history of …
The visual knowledge builder: a second generation spatial hypertext
The development of spatial hypertext systems was driven by the need to lower users' effort of
expression. Users express categories and interrelationships through the visual similarity and …
expression. Users express categories and interrelationships through the visual similarity and …
FOHM: a fundamental open hypertext model for investigating interoperability between hypertext domains
The application of hypertext is often seen in navigating information spaces with the World
Wide Web serving as a prominent example. However, there are many more hypertext …
Wide Web serving as a prominent example. However, there are many more hypertext …
[PDF][PDF] From reading to retrieval: freeform ink annotations as queries
User interfaces for digital libraries tend to focus on retrieval: users retrieve documents
online, but then print them out and work with them on paper. One reason for printing …
online, but then print them out and work with them on paper. One reason for printing …
mSpace: improving information access to multimedia domains with multimodal exploratory search
If you do not know much about classical music, how do you discover what you might like?
The first port of call for most people is to Google “classical music.” This returns a list of links …
The first port of call for most people is to Google “classical music.” This returns a list of links …
Designing a multi-slate reading environment to support active reading activities
Despite predictions of the paperless office, most knowledge workers and students still rely
heavily on paper in most of their document practices. Research has shown that paper's …
heavily on paper in most of their document practices. Research has shown that paper's …
The future of annotation in a digital (paper) world
If order-making in the large is part of the institutional mission of libraries, then order-making
in the small—ie, the informal work of annotating and organizing materials collected in the …
in the small—ie, the informal work of annotating and organizing materials collected in the …