Consciousness in the cradle: on the emergence of infant experience
Although each of us was once a baby, infant consciousness remains mysterious and there is
no received view about when, and in what form, consciousness first emerges. Some …
no received view about when, and in what form, consciousness first emerges. Some …
The development of social categorization
Social categorization is a universal mechanism for making sense of a vast social world with
roots in perceptual, conceptual, and social systems. These systems emerge strikingly early …
roots in perceptual, conceptual, and social systems. These systems emerge strikingly early …
[CARTE][B] Together
VH Murthy, VH Murthy - 2020 - cf-taniaksiazka.statiki.pl
Чому ми почуваємося дедалі самотнішими, якщо сучасні технології покликані нас
об'єднати? Це питання вирішив дослідити колишній Генеральний хірург сша Вівек …
об'єднати? Це питання вирішив дослідити колишній Генеральний хірург сша Вівек …
Accuracy comparison across face recognition algorithms: Where are we on measuring race bias?
Previous generations of face recognition algorithms differ in accuracy for images of different
races (race bias). Here, we present the possible underlying factors (data-driven and …
races (race bias). Here, we present the possible underlying factors (data-driven and …
Functional specificity in the human brain: a window into the functional architecture of the mind
N Kanwisher - Proceedings of the national academy of sciences, 2010 - pnas.org
Is the human mind/brain composed of a set of highly specialized components, each carrying
out a specific aspect of human cognition, or is it more of a general-purpose device, in which …
out a specific aspect of human cognition, or is it more of a general-purpose device, in which …
The categorization-individuation model: an integrative account of the other-race recognition deficit.
The other-race effect (ORE), or the finding that same-race faces are better recognized than
other-race faces, is one of the best replicated phenomena in face recognition. The current …
other-race faces, is one of the best replicated phenomena in face recognition. The current …
[CARTE][B] Exploring social psychology
This is a book I secretly wanted to write. I have long believed that what is wrong with all
psychology textbooks (including those I have written) is their overlong chapters. Few can …
psychology textbooks (including those I have written) is their overlong chapters. Few can …
Children and social exclusion: Morality, prejudice, and group identity
B Selman - 2013 - Taylor & Francis
Children and social exclusion: Morality, prejudice, and group identity about the just war
tradition——'conducting war morally is realistically impossible'(p. 17). Surely in a classroom …
tradition——'conducting war morally is realistically impossible'(p. 17). Surely in a classroom …
The poverty of embodied cognition
In recent years, there has been rapidly growing interest in embodied cognition, a
multifaceted theoretical proposition that (1) cognitive processes are influenced by the …
multifaceted theoretical proposition that (1) cognitive processes are influenced by the …
Understanding the development of reward learning through the lens of meta-learning
Determining how environments shape how people learn is central to understanding
individual differences in goal-directed behaviour. Studies of the effects of early-life adversity …
individual differences in goal-directed behaviour. Studies of the effects of early-life adversity …