[HTML][HTML] Adoption of artificial intelligence in smart cities: A comprehensive review
Recently, the population density in cities has increased at a higher pace. According to the
United Nations Population Fund, cities accommodated 3.3 billion people (54%) of the global …
United Nations Population Fund, cities accommodated 3.3 billion people (54%) of the global …
Content-based fake news detection with machine and deep learning: A systematic review
Fake news, which can be defined as intentionally and verifiably false news, has a strong
influence on critical aspects of our society. Manual fact-checking is a widely adopted …
influence on critical aspects of our society. Manual fact-checking is a widely adopted …
The dark side of generative artificial intelligence: A critical analysis of controversies and risks of ChatGPT
Objective: The objective of the article is to provide a comprehensive identification and
understanding of the challenges and opportunities associated with the use of generative …
understanding of the challenges and opportunities associated with the use of generative …
A deep learning-based fast fake news detection model for cyber-physical social services
With the prevalence of social network service in cyber-Physical space, flow of various fake
news has been a rough issue for operators of social service. Although many theoretical …
news has been a rough issue for operators of social service. Although many theoretical …
[HTML][HTML] Time-series forecasting of seasonal items sales using machine learning–A comparative analysis
There has been a growing interest in the field of neural networks for prediction in recent
years. In this research, a public dataset including the sales history of a retail store is …
years. In this research, a public dataset including the sales history of a retail store is …
[HTML][HTML] Applications of text mining in services management: A systematic literature review
The importance of text mining is increasing in services management as the access to big
data is increasing across digital platforms enabling such services. This study adopts a …
data is increasing across digital platforms enabling such services. This study adopts a …
Body-worn sensors for recognizing physical sports activities in exergaming via deep learning model
Obesity and laziness are some of the common issues in the majority of the youth today. This
has led to the development of a proposed exergaming solution where users can play first …
has led to the development of a proposed exergaming solution where users can play first …
Dual emotion based fake news detection: A deep attention-weight update approach
The proliferation of false information is a growing problem in today's dynamic online
environment. This phenomenon requires automated detection of fake news to reduce its …
environment. This phenomenon requires automated detection of fake news to reduce its …
A comprehensive review on fake news detection with deep learning
A protuberant issue of the present time is that, organizations from different domains are
struggling to obtain effective solutions for detecting online-based fake news. It is quite …
struggling to obtain effective solutions for detecting online-based fake news. It is quite …
Detection and moderation of detrimental content on social media platforms: current status and future directions
Social Media has become a vital component of every individual's life in society opening a
preferred spectrum of virtual communication which provides an individual with a freedom to …
preferred spectrum of virtual communication which provides an individual with a freedom to …