Loss of terrestrial biodiversity in Australia: magnitude, causation, and response
Australia's biota is species rich, with high rates of endemism. This natural legacy has rapidly
diminished since European colonization. The impacts of invasive species, habitat loss …
diminished since European colonization. The impacts of invasive species, habitat loss …
Corrigendum to: The threats to Australia's imperilled species and implications for a national conservation response
Since European occupation of Australia, human activities have caused the dramatic decline
and sometimes extinction of many of the continent's unique species. Here we provide a …
and sometimes extinction of many of the continent's unique species. Here we provide a …
The conservation impacts of ecological disturbance: Time‐bound estimates of population loss and recovery for fauna affected by the 2019–2020 Australian megafires
Aim After environmental disasters, species with large population losses may need urgent
protection to prevent extinction and support recovery. Following the 2019–2020 Australian …
protection to prevent extinction and support recovery. Following the 2019–2020 Australian …
Reading the black book: the number, timing, distribution and causes of listed extinctions in Australia
Through collation of global, national and state/territory threatened species lists, we conclude
that 100 Australian endemic species (one protist, 38 vascular plants, ten invertebrates, one …
that 100 Australian endemic species (one protist, 38 vascular plants, ten invertebrates, one …
Rapid assessment of the biodiversity impacts of the 2019–2020 Australian megafires to guide urgent management intervention and recovery and lessons for other …
Aim The incidence of major fires is increasing globally, creating extraordinary challenges for
governments, managers and conservation scientists. In 2019–2020, Australia experienced …
governments, managers and conservation scientists. In 2019–2020, Australia experienced …
Havens for threatened Australian mammals: the contributions of fenced areas and offshore islands to the protection of mammal species susceptible to introduced …
Context Many Australian mammal species are highly susceptible to predation by introduced
domestic cats (Felis catus) and European red foxes (Vulpes vulpes). These predators have …
domestic cats (Felis catus) and European red foxes (Vulpes vulpes). These predators have …
[PDF][PDF] Australia state of the environment 2021: overview, independent report to the Australian Government Minister for the Environment, Commonwealth of Australia …
Australia for use under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International licence with the
exception of the Coat of Arms of the Commonwealth of Australia, the logo of the agency …
exception of the Coat of Arms of the Commonwealth of Australia, the logo of the agency …
Beyond inappropriate fire regimes: A synthesis of fire‐driven declines of threatened mammals in Australia
Fire can promote biodiversity, but changing patterns of fire threaten species worldwide.
While scientific literature often describes ''inappropriate fire regimes''as a significant threat to …
While scientific literature often describes ''inappropriate fire regimes''as a significant threat to …
Big trouble for little fish: identifying Australian freshwater fishes in imminent risk of extinction
Globally, freshwater fishes are declining at an alarming rate. Despite much evidence of
catastrophic declines, few Australian species are listed as threatened under national …
catastrophic declines, few Australian species are listed as threatened under national …
No More Extinctions: Recovering Australia's Biodiversity
Most conservation programs and laws aim to prevent extinction. However, there is a gulf
between such aspirations and the current reality of escalating biodiversity loss. This review …
between such aspirations and the current reality of escalating biodiversity loss. This review …