Earthquake magnitude prediction in Turkey: a comparative study of deep learning methods, ARIMA and singular spectrum analysis
The Aegean region is geologically situated at the western end of the Gediz Graben system,
influenced by the Western Anatolian Regime. In addition, the region is characterized by …
influenced by the Western Anatolian Regime. In addition, the region is characterized by …
Content-based image retrieval using feature-fusion of GroupNormalized-Inception-Darknet-53 features and handcraft features
This paper proposed an efficient image retrieval framework by feature-fusion of high-level
features from the improved version of DarkNet-53, named GroupNormalized-Inception …
features from the improved version of DarkNet-53, named GroupNormalized-Inception …
Auto-encoders for content-based image retrieval with its implementation using handwritten dataset
Image retrieval technology is a very fast-growing digital technology for researchers in the
field of computer science from a very long period. It is a system for retrieving digital images …
field of computer science from a very long period. It is a system for retrieving digital images …
Deep features optimization based on a transfer learning, genetic algorithm, and extreme learning machine for robust content-based image retrieval
The recent era has witnessed exponential growth in the production of multimedia data which
initiates exploration and expansion of certain domains that will have an overwhelming …
initiates exploration and expansion of certain domains that will have an overwhelming …
Autoencoder for Image Retrieval System using Deep Learning Technique with Tensorflow and Kears
In today's era image retrieval is most emerging trends of digital image processing
techniques. Traditional methods for retrieval such as Text and Query based image retrieval …
techniques. Traditional methods for retrieval such as Text and Query based image retrieval …
Content‐based image retrieval for super‐resolutioned images using feature fusion: Deep learning and hand crafted
An innovative image retrieval agenda by concatenating deep learning features from
GoogleNet and low‐level features from HSI and RGB color space is proposed in this article …
GoogleNet and low‐level features from HSI and RGB color space is proposed in this article …
The comparison of color texture features extraction based on 1D GLCM with deep learning methods
In this paper, the comparison between deep learning methods and feature extraction
algorithms is presented. The principle of Grey-Level Co-occurrence Matrix (GLCM) and its …
algorithms is presented. The principle of Grey-Level Co-occurrence Matrix (GLCM) and its …
Content-based image retrieval using group normalized-inception-darknet-53
In recent days' research, deep learning methods have shown promising performance in
various fields of computer vision, including content-based image retrieval (CBIR). In this …
various fields of computer vision, including content-based image retrieval (CBIR). In this …
An insight into content-based image retrieval techniques, datasets, and evaluation metrics
The goal of a content-based image retrieval (CBIR) framework is to enable users to
efficiently retrieve images from a large database based on the visual content of the images …
efficiently retrieve images from a large database based on the visual content of the images …
Leveraging semantic segmentation for hybrid image retrieval methods
Content-based image retrieval (CBIR) is the task of finding images in a database that are the
most similar to the input query based on its visual characteristics. Several methods from the …
most similar to the input query based on its visual characteristics. Several methods from the …