Mobile phones in education: Challenges and opportunities for learning
J Keengwe, G Schnellert, D Jonas - Education and Information …, 2014 - Springer
The millennials use mobile phones on a daily basis to keep in touch with family and friends
(Lenhart 2010). However, the role of mobile phones in education needs to be close …
(Lenhart 2010). However, the role of mobile phones in education needs to be close …
ICT in education: Benefits, challenges and new directions
S Foutsitzi, G Caridakis - 2019 10th international conference on …, 2019 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
The presented work gives an overview of the state of the art of ICT in education, at the end of
the second decade of the 21st century. Current and needed policies, benefits, challenges …
the second decade of the 21st century. Current and needed policies, benefits, challenges …
Four generational cohorts and hedonic m-shop**: association between personality traits and purchase intention
In retailing, it is recognized that prominent differences exist between generational cohorts.
As such, analysis of varying patterns of personality traits and their effects between …
As such, analysis of varying patterns of personality traits and their effects between …
Baby Boomers, Generation X and Generation Y: Identifying generational differences in effects of personality traits in on-demand radio use
On-demand radio has radically changed the definition and essence of the radio landscape,
providing consumers greater flexibility to manage their content consumption anytime and …
providing consumers greater flexibility to manage their content consumption anytime and …
[PDF][PDF] Toward the use of 21st century teaching-learning approaches: The trend of development in Malaysian schools within the context of Asia Pacific
ICT Infrastructure and internet connectivity in educational institutions provides learners and
teachers the opportunity of adopting 21st century teaching-learning methods that promotes …
teachers the opportunity of adopting 21st century teaching-learning methods that promotes …
[หนังสือ][B] Discussion-based online teaching to enhance student learning: Theory, practice and assessment
T Bender - 2023 - books.google.com
The new edition of what is now considered a classic on online learning has been expanded
by about a third to reflect new opportunities offered by social media, new insights and ideas …
by about a third to reflect new opportunities offered by social media, new insights and ideas …
The Silent Generation vs Baby Boomers: Socio-demographic and psychological predictors of the “gray” digital inequalities
The current study examined the socio-demographic and psychological factors associated
with using digital search engines among two generations of older adults. The self …
with using digital search engines among two generations of older adults. The self …
Student learning in higher education through blogging in the classroom
In the last decade, there has been a significant increase in the range of social media tools
that have become available. Despite reports of successful adoption in the higher education …
that have become available. Despite reports of successful adoption in the higher education …
A qualitative exploration of technology use among preservice physical education teachers in a secondary methods course
Educational technologies have been known to positively impact teaching and learning in
physical education. This rapid development of new technologies has encouraged physical …
physical education. This rapid development of new technologies has encouraged physical …
Social influence online: The impact of social validation and likability on compliance.
Text-based communication via the Internet has provided new opportunities to study social
influence and persuasion. Specifically, Guadagno and Cialdini (2005) contend that the …
influence and persuasion. Specifically, Guadagno and Cialdini (2005) contend that the …