[HTML][HTML] Map** Corporate Tax Planning and Corporate Social Responsibility: A Hybrid Method of Category Analysis
The relationship between corporate tax planning (CTP) and corporate social responsibility
(CSR) is complex, with various perspectives, and a detailed scientific analysis of this …
(CSR) is complex, with various perspectives, and a detailed scientific analysis of this …
Tax avoidance and corporate social responsibility: a bibliometric review and future Agenda
HAC Jeewanthi - NCC Journal, 2023 - nepjol.info
This review explores the intellectual structure, research trends, and nexus within tax
avoidance (TA) and corporate social responsibility (CSR) literature using the bibliometric …
avoidance (TA) and corporate social responsibility (CSR) literature using the bibliometric …
[PDF][PDF] Corporate social responsibility and corporate tax aggressiveness: Evidence of mandatory vs. voluntary regulatory regimes impact
This study aims to investigate whether corporate social responsibility activities are
associated with more or less tax avoidance by focusing on this interrelationship in …
associated with more or less tax avoidance by focusing on this interrelationship in …
Characteristics of top management team and Chinese tax planning nexus: Findings from a fuzzy-set qualitative comparative analysis
H Jiang, E Kim - Frontiers in Psychology, 2022 - frontiersin.org
A top management team (TMT) has been identified as one of the key factors driving changes
in tax planning strategy. Based on upper echelons theory, this study investigates whether …
in tax planning strategy. Based on upper echelons theory, this study investigates whether …
[PDF][PDF] Verpflichtende CSR-Berichterstattung-eine ökonomische Analyse/eingereicht von Albijon Krasniqi, BSc
A Krasniqi - 2024 - epub.jku.at
Die freiwillige Offenlegung von CSR-Informationen hat sich in den letzten Jahrzehnten zwar
als gängige Praxis etabliert, stößt jedoch zunehmend an ihre Grenzen. Vor dem Hintergrund …
als gängige Praxis etabliert, stößt jedoch zunehmend an ihre Grenzen. Vor dem Hintergrund …
The Impact of Political Relations on Tax Aggressiveness with the Moderating Role of Human Resources Social Responsibility in Small and medium Enterprises in …
Z Kazemi Saraskanrood… - Journal of Sustainable …, 2023 - shrm.journals.umz.ac.ir
In most countries, one of the most important and interesting topics in research is the
discussion of tax aggressiveness, how it is measured, the factors affecting it, and the results …
discussion of tax aggressiveness, how it is measured, the factors affecting it, and the results …
[PDF][PDF] Corporate Social Responsibility and Tax Avoidance: A Systematic Literature
F Nurhaliza, W Widarjo, I Sutami - ijebmr.com
Corporate social responsibility and tax avoidance influence each other and impact
economic growth. This research also aims to provide a systematic review of research on …
economic growth. This research also aims to provide a systematic review of research on …