[HTML][HTML] Map** Corporate Tax Planning and Corporate Social Responsibility: A Hybrid Method of Category Analysis

L Araújo, S Ravara Cruz, L Lima Santos… - Journal of Risk and …, 2024 - mdpi.com
The relationship between corporate tax planning (CTP) and corporate social responsibility
(CSR) is complex, with various perspectives, and a detailed scientific analysis of this …

Tax avoidance and corporate social responsibility: a bibliometric review and future Agenda

HAC Jeewanthi - NCC Journal, 2023 - nepjol.info
This review explores the intellectual structure, research trends, and nexus within tax
avoidance (TA) and corporate social responsibility (CSR) literature using the bibliometric …

[PDF][PDF] Corporate social responsibility and corporate tax aggressiveness: Evidence of mandatory vs. voluntary regulatory regimes impact

O Pasko, L Zhang, A Oriekhova… - Problems and …, 2023 - businessperspectives.org
This study aims to investigate whether corporate social responsibility activities are
associated with more or less tax avoidance by focusing on this interrelationship in …

Characteristics of top management team and Chinese tax planning nexus: Findings from a fuzzy-set qualitative comparative analysis

H Jiang, E Kim - Frontiers in Psychology, 2022 - frontiersin.org
A top management team (TMT) has been identified as one of the key factors driving changes
in tax planning strategy. Based on upper echelons theory, this study investigates whether …

[PDF][PDF] Verpflichtende CSR-Berichterstattung-eine ökonomische Analyse/eingereicht von Albijon Krasniqi, BSc

A Krasniqi - 2024 - epub.jku.at
Die freiwillige Offenlegung von CSR-Informationen hat sich in den letzten Jahrzehnten zwar
als gängige Praxis etabliert, stößt jedoch zunehmend an ihre Grenzen. Vor dem Hintergrund …

The Impact of Political Relations on Tax Aggressiveness with the Moderating Role of Human Resources Social Responsibility in Small and medium Enterprises in …

Z Kazemi Saraskanrood… - Journal of Sustainable …, 2023 - shrm.journals.umz.ac.ir
In most countries, one of the most important and interesting topics in research is the
discussion of tax aggressiveness, how it is measured, the factors affecting it, and the results …

[PDF][PDF] Corporate Social Responsibility and Tax Avoidance: A Systematic Literature

F Nurhaliza, W Widarjo, I Sutami - ijebmr.com
Corporate social responsibility and tax avoidance influence each other and impact
economic growth. This research also aims to provide a systematic review of research on …