Analysing the cognitive effectiveness of the WebML visual notation

D Granada, JM Vara, M Brambilla, V Bollati… - Software & Systems …, 2017 - Springer
WebML is a domain-specific language used to design complex data-intensive Web
applications at a conceptual level. As WebML was devised to support design tasks, the need …

What practitioners really want: requirements for visual notations in conceptual modeling

D van der Linden, I Hadar, A Zamansky - Software & Systems Modeling, 2019 - Springer
This research was aimed at eliciting the requirements of practitioners who use conceptual
modeling in their professional work for the visual notations of modeling languages. While the …

On the usage of concrete syntax in model transformation rules

T Baar, J Whittle - International Andrei Ershov Memorial Conference on …, 2006 - Springer
Graph transformations are one of the best known approaches for defining transformations in
model-based software development. They are defined over the abstract syntax of source …

Dpf workbench: A diagrammatic multi-layer domain specific (meta-) modelling environment

Y Lamo, X Wang, F Mantz, W MacCaull… - Computer and Information …, 2012 - Springer
This paper presents the DPFWorkbench, a diagrammatic tool for domain specific modelling.
The tool is an implementation of the basic ideas from the Diagram Predicate Framework …

A Context-Free Grammar for Generating Full Classic DEVS Models

MJ Blas, S Gonnet, D Kim… - 2023 Winter Simulation …, 2023 -
Existing grammars generate Finite Deterministic DEVS models, a restricted subset of DEVS.
The proposed context-free grammar generates the unrestricted set of Classic DEVS models …

[PDF][PDF] DPF workbench: a multi-level language workbench for MDE

Y Lamo, X Wang, F Mantz, Ø Bech, A Sandven… - Proceedings of the …, 2013 -
This paper presents the DPF Workbench, a language workbench for (meta) modelling and
code generation. The DPF Workbench includes a graphical specification editor for the …

Constructing models with the human-usable textual notation

LM Rose, RF Paige, DS Kolovos… - … Conference on Model …, 2008 - Springer
We present an implementation of the OMG's Human-Usable Textual Notation (HUTN)[6] that
provides a generic concrete syntax for MOF-based metamodels. The notation is …

Formalization of the semantics of iconic languages: An ontology-based method and four semantic-powered applications

JB Lamy, LF Soualmia - Knowledge-Based Systems, 2017 - Elsevier
Iconic languages can represent concepts by the combination of graphical components (such
as colors or pictograms). There are numerous examples, from traffic signs to computer user …

Enforced generative patterns for the specification of the syntax and semantics of visual languages

P Bottoni, E Guerra, J de Lara - Journal of Visual Languages & Computing, 2008 - Elsevier
We present the new notion of enforced generative pattern, a structure that declares positive
or negative conditions that must be satisfied by a model. Patterns are applied to …

Combining sketching and traditional diagram editing tools

G Stapleton, B Plimmer, A Delaney… - ACM Transactions on …, 2015 -
The least cognitively demanding way to create a diagram is to draw it with a pen. Yet there is
also a need for more formal visualizations, that is, diagrams created using both traditional …