Antecedents and consequences of brand attachment: A literature review and research agenda
J Hemsley‐Brown - International Journal of Consumer Studies, 2023 - Wiley Online Library
Consumers develop powerful connections with brands and they feel a strong bond or
attachment to favourite brands that can lead to re‐purchase behaviour, reduced price …
attachment to favourite brands that can lead to re‐purchase behaviour, reduced price …
Corporate citizenship as a marketing instrument‐Concepts, evidence and research directions
I Maignan, OC Ferrell - European journal of marketing, 2001 - emerald.com
Confronted with increasing pressures to limit government spending on social welfare, more
and more public policy makers welcome the growing social involvement of corporations. Yet …
and more public policy makers welcome the growing social involvement of corporations. Yet …
The role of brand community identification and reward on consumer brand engagement and brand loyalty in virtual brand communities
With the advent of interactive Web 2.0 (and beyond) technologies, the role of consumer
brand engagement (CBE), which focuses on the consumer's investment in their brand …
brand engagement (CBE), which focuses on the consumer's investment in their brand …
[HTML][HTML] Service encounters, experiences and the customer journey: Defining the field and a call to expand our lens
Abstract Service researchers have emphasized the importance of studying the service
experience, which encompasses multiple service encounters. Although the reflection on a …
experience, which encompasses multiple service encounters. Although the reflection on a …
The impact of inertia and user satisfaction on the continuance intentions to use mobile communication applications: A mobile service quality perspective
WT Wang, WM Ou, WY Chen - International Journal of Information …, 2019 - Elsevier
Vendors of mobile communication applications/services (apps) aim at improve their designs
to attract and retain users, and thus achieve the critical mass needed to ensure the success …
to attract and retain users, and thus achieve the critical mass needed to ensure the success …
How well do consumer-brand relationships drive customer brand loyalty? Generalizations from a meta-analysis of brand relationship elasticities
To advance understanding of how well different types of brand relationships drive customer
brand loyalty and to help companies improve the effectiveness of their relationship-building …
brand loyalty and to help companies improve the effectiveness of their relationship-building …
A meta-analytic review of identification at work: Relative contribution of team, organizational, and professional identification.
Research on social identification in organizations is diverse and evolving. As focus has
shifted to the effects of multiple identities, there is a need to further define relationships …
shifted to the effects of multiple identities, there is a need to further define relationships …
The effect of AI quality on customer experience and brand relationship
Abstract Although Artificial Intelligence (AI) has been gradually introduced to various
industries, research on customer attitudes and behavior toward the use of AI is still in its …
industries, research on customer attitudes and behavior toward the use of AI is still in its …
Engaging consumers via online brand communities to achieve brand love and positive recommendations
Purpose This study aims to investigate the influence of brand relationship quality and
consumer community identification on consumer engagement. This study also examines the …
consumer community identification on consumer engagement. This study also examines the …
Drivers of consumer–brand identification
The concept of consumer–brand identification (CBI) is central to our understanding of how,
when, and why brands help consumers articulate their identities. This paper proposes and …
when, and why brands help consumers articulate their identities. This paper proposes and …