Perceptual inference, learning, and attention in a multisensory world

U Noppeney - Annual review of neuroscience, 2021 -
Adaptive behavior in a complex, dynamic, and multisensory world poses some of the most
fundamental computational challenges for the brain, notably inference, decision-making …

The ventriloquist illusion as a tool to study multisensory processing: An update

P Bruns - Frontiers in Integrative Neuroscience, 2019 -
Ventriloquism, the illusion that a voice appears to come from the moving mouth of a puppet
rather than from the actual speaker, is one of the classic examples of multisensory …

Modality-specific attention attenuates visual-tactile integration and recalibration effects by reducing prior expectations of a common source for vision and touch

S Badde, KT Navarro, MS Landy - Cognition, 2020 - Elsevier
At any moment in time, streams of information reach the brain through the different senses.
Given this wealth of noisy information, it is essential that we select information of relevance …

Development and experience-dependence of multisensory spatial processing

P Bruns, B Röder - Trends in Cognitive Sciences, 2023 -
Multisensory spatial processes are fundamental for efficient interaction with the world. They
include not only the integration of spatial cues across sensory modalities, but also the …

Audiovisual simultaneity judgment and rapid recalibration throughout the lifespan

JP Noel, M De Niear, E Van der Burg, MT Wallace - PloS one, 2016 -
Multisensory interactions are well established to convey an array of perceptual and
behavioral benefits. One of the key features of multisensory interactions is the temporal …

Multisensory integration develops prior to crossmodal recalibration

S Rohlf, L Li, P Bruns, B Röder - Current Biology, 2020 -
It has been hypothesized that crossmodal recalibration plays a crucial role for the
development of multisensory integration capabilities [1]. To test the developmental trajectory …

Shared neural underpinnings of multisensory integration and trial-by-trial perceptual recalibration in humans

H Park, C Kayser - Elife, 2019 -
Perception adapts to mismatching multisensory information, both when different cues
appear simultaneously and when they appear sequentially. While both multisensory …

Alpha activity reflects the magnitude of an individual bias in human perception

L Grabot, C Kayser - Journal of Neuroscience, 2020 -
Biases in sensory perception can arise from both experimental manipulations and personal
trait-like features. These idiosyncratic biases and their neural underpinnings are often …

The neurophysiological basis of the trial-wise and cumulative ventriloquism aftereffects

H Park, C Kayser - Journal of Neuroscience, 2021 -
Our senses often receive conflicting multisensory information, which our brain reconciles by
adaptive recalibration. A classic example is the ventriloquism aftereffect, which emerges …

Musical training refines audiovisual integration but does not influence temporal recalibration

M O'Donohue, P Lacherez, N Yamamoto - Scientific Reports, 2022 -
When the brain is exposed to a temporal asynchrony between the senses, it will shift its
perception of simultaneity towards the previously experienced asynchrony (temporal …