A decoupled fracture-and stress-induced PP-wave reflection coefficient approximation for azimuthal seismic inversion in stressed horizontal transversely isotropic …
X Pan, Z Zhao - Surveys in Geophysics, 2024 - Springer
Stress-induced seismic anisotropy is usually difficult to be separated or decoupled from
intrinsic or fracture-induced anisotropy in the subsurface. To distinguish the effects of …
intrinsic or fracture-induced anisotropy in the subsurface. To distinguish the effects of …
Fluid discrimination based on inclusion-based method for tight sandstone reservoirs
P Wang, Y Cui, J Liu - Surveys in Geophysics, 2022 - Springer
Fluid discrimination is challenging for reservoir prediction, especially for tight sandstones
with special petrophysical properties. In this paper, we first review the effective medium …
with special petrophysical properties. In this paper, we first review the effective medium …
High-resolution three-term AVO inversion by means of a Trivariate Cauchy probability distribution
W Alemie, MD Sacchi - Geophysics, 2011 - library.seg.org
Three-term AVO inversion can be used to estimate P-wave velocity, S-wave velocity, and
density perturbations from reflection seismic data. The density term, however, exhibits little …
density perturbations from reflection seismic data. The density term, however, exhibits little …
AVO inversion and poroelasticity with P-and S-wave moduli
The fluid term in the Biot-Gassmann equation plays an important role in reservoir fluid
discrimination. The density term imbedded in the fluid term, however, is difficult to estimate …
discrimination. The density term imbedded in the fluid term, however, is difficult to estimate …
A prestack basis pursuit seismic inversion
Resolving thin layers and clearly delineating layer boundaries in inverted seismic sections
are very important goals for exploration and production. Many seismic inversion methods …
are very important goals for exploration and production. Many seismic inversion methods …
Domain knowledge-guided data-driven prestack seismic inversion using deep learning
J Zhang, X Zhao, Y Chen, H Sun - Geophysics, 2023 - pubs.geoscienceworld.org
The essential task of reservoir characterization is to predict elastic/petrophysical parameters
or facies from observed seismic data and evaluate their uncertainty. Deep learning-based …
or facies from observed seismic data and evaluate their uncertainty. Deep learning-based …
Bayesian deterministic inversion based on the exact reflection coefficients equations of transversely isotropic media with a vertical symmetry axis
L Zhou, J Li, C Yuan, J Liao, X Chen… - IEEE Transactions on …, 2022 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Unconventional reservoirs usually have strong anisotropy. Generally, they can be regarded
as transversely isotropic media with a vertical symmetry axis [(VTI) media] in the absence of …
as transversely isotropic media with a vertical symmetry axis [(VTI) media] in the absence of …
Nonlinear amplitude versus angle inversion for transversely isotropic media with vertical symmetry axis using new weak anisotropy approximation equations
L Zhou, ZC Chen, JY Li, XH Chen, XY Liu, JP Liao - Petroleum Science, 2020 - Springer
In VTI media, the conventional inversion methods based on the existing approximation
formulas are difficult to accurately estimate the anisotropic parameters of reservoirs, even …
formulas are difficult to accurately estimate the anisotropic parameters of reservoirs, even …
Robust AVO inversion for the fluid factor and shear modulus
L Zhou, X Liu, J Li, J Liao - Geophysics, 2021 - pubs.geoscienceworld.org
Seismic estimation of the fluid factor and shear modulus plays an important role in reservoir
fluid identification and characterization. Various amplitude variation with offset inversion …
fluid identification and characterization. Various amplitude variation with offset inversion …
A data-driven amplitude variation with offset inversion method via learned dictionaries and sparse representation
Amplitude variation with offset (AVO) inversion is a typical ill-posed inverse problem. To
obtain a stable and unique solution, regularization techniques relying on mathematical …
obtain a stable and unique solution, regularization techniques relying on mathematical …