Safety-related challenges and opportunities for gpus in the automotive domain
GPUs have been shown to cover the computing performance needs of autonomous driving
(AD) systems. However, since the GPUs used for AD build on designs for the mainstream …
(AD) systems. However, since the GPUs used for AD build on designs for the mainstream …
Selene: Self-monitored dependable platform for high-performance safety-critical systems
Existing HW/SW platforms for safety-critical systems suffer from limited performance and/or
from lack of flexibility due to building on specific proprietary components. This jeopardizes …
from lack of flexibility due to building on specific proprietary components. This jeopardizes …
MemPol: polling-based microsecond-scale per-core memory bandwidth regulation
In today's multiprocessor systems-on-a-chip, the shared memory subsystem is a known
source of temporal interference. The problem causes logically independent cores to affect …
source of temporal interference. The problem causes logically independent cores to affect …
Performance monitor counters: Interplay between safety and security in complex cyber-physical systems
Recent years have witnessed the growth of the adoption of cyber-physical systems (CPSs)
in many sectors, such as automotive, aerospace, civil infrastructures, and healthcare …
in many sectors, such as automotive, aerospace, civil infrastructures, and healthcare …
Analysis, hardware specification and design of a programmable performance monitoring unit (ppmu) for risc-v ecus
The complexity of vehicle applications and the need of reducing the number of processing
units are giving great audience to system virtualization. Virtualized architectures with diverse …
units are giving great audience to system virtualization. Virtualized architectures with diverse …
UP2DATE: Safe and secure over-the-air software updates on high-performance mixed-criticality systems
Following the same trend of consumer electronics, safety-critical industries are starting to
adopt Over-The-Air Software Updates (OTASU) on their embedded systems. The motivation …
adopt Over-The-Air Software Updates (OTASU) on their embedded systems. The motivation …
SLOPE: Safety LOg PEripherals implementation and software drivers for a safe RISC-V microcontroller unit
The focus of this manuscript is related to the main safety issues regarding a mixed criticality
system running multiple concurrent tasks. Our concerns are related to the guarantee of …
system running multiple concurrent tasks. Our concerns are related to the guarantee of …
On the reliability of hardware event monitors in mpsocs for critical domains
Performance Monitoring Units (PMUs) are at the heart of most-advanced timing analysis
techniques to control and bound the impact of contention in Commercial Off-The-Shelf …
techniques to control and bound the impact of contention in Commercial Off-The-Shelf …
Accurately measuring contention in mesh NoCs in time-sensitive embedded systems
The computing capacity demanded by embedded systems is on the rise as software
implements more functionalities, ranging from best-effort entertainment functions to …
implements more functionalities, ranging from best-effort entertainment functions to …
Practical strategies to monitor and control contention in shared resources of critical real-time embedded systems
J Cardona Nadal - 2023 - upcommons.upc.edu
(English) In the last decade performance needs in Critical Real-Time Embedded Systems
(CRTES) domains like automotive, avionics, railway or space have been steadily on the rise …
(CRTES) domains like automotive, avionics, railway or space have been steadily on the rise …