Investigating the impacts of team type and design on virtual team processes
While much is known about virtual team processes and outcomes, the literature relies on a
variety of team configurations and types (including student versus organizational samples …
variety of team configurations and types (including student versus organizational samples …
The effects of the dark triad on unethical behavior
This article uses behavioral theories to develop an ethical decision-making model that
describes how psychological factors affect the development of unethical intentions to commit …
describes how psychological factors affect the development of unethical intentions to commit …
Virtual teams: Conceptualization, integrative review, and research recommendations.
S Mak, SWJ Kozlowski - 2019 -
We have reviewed the recent empirical literature on virtual teams by evaluating how well it
maps to all the key components of a multilevel IPO model, the extent to which it …
maps to all the key components of a multilevel IPO model, the extent to which it …
Team decision making in virtual and face-to-face environments
We conducted a laboratory study on 65 teams performing a decision-making task. The two
experimental manipulations involved the use of different communication media and decision …
experimental manipulations involved the use of different communication media and decision …
Effects of veracity, modality, and sanctioning on credibility assessment during mediated and unmediated interviews
An experiment examined how veracity, modality, and experimenter sanctioning of deception
influenced credibility assessments made by professionals who conducted interviews face-to …
influenced credibility assessments made by professionals who conducted interviews face-to …
Social interactions and asset pricing bubbles
S Steiger, M Pelster - Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, 2020 - Elsevier
We investigate the influence of social interactions on asset markets and provide an empirical
test of the hypothesis that social interactions increase asset pricing bubbles. We test the …
test of the hypothesis that social interactions increase asset pricing bubbles. We test the …
Beware the dark side: Cultural preferences for lying online
Deceptive communication is a part of everyday life, regardless of one's geographical
location or method of communication. Very little research has examined the role of …
location or method of communication. Very little research has examined the role of …
Too busy to be manipulated: How multitasking with technology improves deception detection in collaborative teamwork
Deception is an unfortunate staple in group work. Guarding against team members'
deceptive tactics and alternative agendas is difficult and may seem even more difficult in …
deceptive tactics and alternative agendas is difficult and may seem even more difficult in …
An exploration of deception detection: Are groups more effective than individuals?
Deception is a pervasive problem often found in human behavior. This study investigates
why past deception studies have found groups perform no better than individuals in …
why past deception studies have found groups perform no better than individuals in …
Deciding how to deceive: differences in communication and detection between good and bad liars
To study deception, participants were randomly assigned the role of allocator or recipient in
an ultimatum negotiation game. Allocators “earned” 7 dollars and divided the money …
an ultimatum negotiation game. Allocators “earned” 7 dollars and divided the money …