Material platforms for spin-based photonic quantum technologies
A central goal in quantum optics and quantum information science is the development of
quantum networks to generate entanglement between distributed quantum memories …
quantum networks to generate entanglement between distributed quantum memories …
[HTML][HTML] Quantum networks based on color centers in diamond
With the ability to transfer and process quantum information, large-scale quantum networks
will enable a suite of fundamentally new applications, from quantum communications to …
will enable a suite of fundamentally new applications, from quantum communications to …
[HTML][HTML] Develo** silicon carbide for quantum spintronics
In current long-distance communications, classical information carried by large numbers of
particles is intrinsically robust to some transmission losses but can, therefore, be …
particles is intrinsically robust to some transmission losses but can, therefore, be …
Quantum micro–nano devices fabricated in diamond by femtosecond laser and ion irradiation
Diamond has attracted great interest as a quantum technology platform thanks to its optically
active nitrogen vacancy (NV) center. The NV's ground state spin can be read out optically …
active nitrogen vacancy (NV) center. The NV's ground state spin can be read out optically …
Quantum nanophotonics in diamond
The past two decades have seen great advances in develo** color centers in diamond for
sensing, quantum information processing, and tests of quantum foundations. Increasingly …
sensing, quantum information processing, and tests of quantum foundations. Increasingly …
Coupling of a single tin-vacancy center to a photonic crystal cavity in diamond
We demonstrate optical coupling between a single tin-vacancy (SnV) center in diamond and
a free-standing photonic crystal nanobeam cavity. The cavities are fabricated using quasi …
a free-standing photonic crystal nanobeam cavity. The cavities are fabricated using quasi …
Diamond integrated quantum nanophotonics: spins, photons and phonons
Integrated photonic devices in diamond have tremendous potential for many quantum
applications, including long-distance quantum communication, quantum information …
applications, including long-distance quantum communication, quantum information …
Resonant excitation and purcell enhancement of coherent nitrogen-vacancy centers coupled to a fabry-perot microcavity
The nitrogen-vacancy (NV) center in diamond has been established as a prime building
block for quantum networks. However, scaling beyond a few network nodes is currently …
block for quantum networks. However, scaling beyond a few network nodes is currently …
Polarization Control of Deterministic Single-Photon Emitters in Monolayer WSe2
Single-photon emitters, the basic building blocks of quantum communication and
information, have been developed using atomically thin transition metal dichalcogenides …
information, have been developed using atomically thin transition metal dichalcogenides …
Self-aligned patterning technique for fabricating high-performance diamond sensor arrays with nanoscale precision
Efficient, nanoscale precision alignment of defect center creation in photonics structures in
challenges the realization of high-performance photonic devices and quantum technology …
challenges the realization of high-performance photonic devices and quantum technology …