Deep learning for aspect-based sentiment analysis: a comparative review
The increasing volume of user-generated content on the web has made sentiment analysis
an important tool for the extraction of information about the human emotional state. A current …
an important tool for the extraction of information about the human emotional state. A current …
Issues and challenges of aspect-based sentiment analysis: A comprehensive survey
The domain of Aspect-based Sentiment Analysis, in which aspects are extracted, their
sentiments are analysed and sentiments are evolved over time, is getting much attention …
sentiments are analysed and sentiments are evolved over time, is getting much attention …
A survey on aspect-based sentiment analysis: Tasks, methods, and challenges
As an important fine-grained sentiment analysis problem, aspect-based sentiment analysis
(ABSA), aiming to analyze and understand people's opinions at the aspect level, has been …
(ABSA), aiming to analyze and understand people's opinions at the aspect level, has been …
Convolution over hierarchical syntactic and lexical graphs for aspect level sentiment analysis
The state-of-the-art methods in aspect-level sentiment classification have leveraged the
graph based models to incorporate the syntactic structure of a sentence. While being …
graph based models to incorporate the syntactic structure of a sentence. While being …
Knowing what, how and why: A near complete solution for aspect-based sentiment analysis
Target-based sentiment analysis or aspect-based sentiment analysis (ABSA) refers to
addressing various sentiment analysis tasks at a fine-grained level, which includes but is not …
addressing various sentiment analysis tasks at a fine-grained level, which includes but is not …
Exploiting BERT for end-to-end aspect-based sentiment analysis
In this paper, we investigate the modeling power of contextualized embeddings from pre-
trained language models, eg BERT, on the E2E-ABSA task. Specifically, we build a series of …
trained language models, eg BERT, on the E2E-ABSA task. Specifically, we build a series of …
Discrete opinion tree induction for aspect-based sentiment analysis
Dependency trees have been intensively used with graph neural networks for aspect-based
sentiment classification. Though being effective, such methods rely on external dependency …
sentiment classification. Though being effective, such methods rely on external dependency …
Transformation networks for target-oriented sentiment classification
Target-oriented sentiment classification aims at classifying sentiment polarities over
individual opinion targets in a sentence. RNN with attention seems a good fit for the …
individual opinion targets in a sentence. RNN with attention seems a good fit for the …
Does syntax matter? a strong baseline for aspect-based sentiment analysis with roberta
Aspect-based Sentiment Analysis (ABSA), aiming at predicting the polarities for aspects, is a
fine-grained task in the field of sentiment analysis. Previous work showed syntactic …
fine-grained task in the field of sentiment analysis. Previous work showed syntactic …
A unified model for opinion target extraction and target sentiment prediction
Target-based sentiment analysis involves opinion target extraction and target sentiment
classification. However, most of the existing works usually studied one of these two sub …
classification. However, most of the existing works usually studied one of these two sub …