Were snares and traps used in the Middle Stone Age and does it matter? A review and a case study from Sibudu, South Africa

L Wadley - Journal of Human Evolution, 2010 - Elsevier
The concept of remote capture involved in the creation and use of snares and traps is one of
several indicators that can be used for the recognition of enhanced working memory and …

The earliest modern humans outside Africa

I Hershkovitz, GW Weber, R Quam, M Duval, R Grün… - Science, 2018 - science.org
To date, the earliest modern human fossils found outside of Africa are dated to around
90,000 to 120,000 years ago at the Levantine sites of Skhul and Qafzeh. A maxilla and …

Impossible Neanderthals? Making string, throwing projectiles and catching small game during Marine Isotope Stage 4 (Abri du Maras, France)

BL Hardy, MH Moncel, C Daujeard, P Fernandes… - Quaternary Science …, 2013 - Elsevier
Neanderthal behavior is often described in one of two contradictory ways: 1) Neanderthals
were behaviorally inflexible and specialized in large game hunting or 2) Neanderthals …

Evolution, revolution or saltation scenario for the emergence of modern cultures?

F d'Errico, CB Stringer - … of the Royal Society B: Biological …, 2011 - royalsocietypublishing.org
Crucial questions in the debate on the origin of quintessential human behaviours are
whether modern cognition and associated innovations are unique to our species and …

Cooperative hunting and meat sharing 400–200 kya at Qesem Cave, Israel

MC Stiner, R Barkai, A Gopher - Proceedings of the National Academy of …, 2009 - pnas.org
Zooarchaeological research at Qesem Cave, Israel demonstrates that large-game hunting
was a regular practice by the late Lower Paleolithic period. The 400-to 200,000-year-old …

[BOOK][B] The lithic assemblages of Qafzeh Cave

E Hovers - 2009 - books.google.com
This book presents the first comprehensive description of the lithic assemblages from
Qafzeh Cave, one of only two Middle Paleolithic sites in the Levant that has yielded multiple …

[BOOK][B] Thin on the ground: Neandertal biology, archeology, and ecology

SE Churchill - 2014 - books.google.com
Thin on the Ground: Neandertal Biology, Archeology and Ecology synthesizes the current
knowledge about our sister species the Neandertals, combining data from a variety of …

Human predatory behavior and the social implications of communal hunting based on evidence from the TD10. 2 bison bone bed at Gran Dolina (Atapuerca, Spain)

A Rodríguez-Hidalgo, P Saladie, A Olle… - Journal of human …, 2017 - Elsevier
Zooarcheological research is an important tool in reconstructing subsistence, as well as for
inferring relevant aspects regarding social behavior in the past. The organization of hunting …

Hearth-side socioeconomics, hunting and paleoecology during the late Lower Paleolithic at Qesem Cave, Israel

MC Stiner, A Gopher, R Barkai - Journal of Human Evolution, 2011 - Elsevier
The late Lower Paleolithic archaeofaunas of Qesem Cave in the southern Levant span 400–
200 ka and associate with Acheulo-Yabrudian (mainly Amudian) industries. The large …

Towards the Middle Palaeolithic in western Europe: the case of Orgnac 3 (southeastern France)

MH Moncel, AM Moigne, J Combier - Journal of Human Evolution, 2012 - Elsevier
The sequence of Orgnac 3 in southern Europe is dated to MIS 9 and the beginning of MIS 8.
The site contains records of Upper Acheulian occupations with evidence of Middle …