[PDF][PDF] StateData: The national report on employment services and outcomes

J Butterworth, AC Hall, F Smith, A Migliore, J Winsor… - 2011 - scholarworks.umb.edu
Policy shifts over the past 20 years have created an agenda for sustained commitment to
integrated employment for individuals with disabilities. But despite these clear intentions …

StateData: The national report on employment services and outcomes through 2018

J Winsor, JC Timmons, J Butterworth, A Migliore… - 2021 - scholarworks.umb.edu
Since 1988, the ICI has collected data from state intellectual and developmental disabilities
(IDD) agencies, the vocational rehabilitation (VR) system, the Social Security Administration …

StateData: The national report on employment services and outcomes, 2013

J Butterworth, FA Smith, AC Hall, A Migliore, J Winsor… - 2013 - scholarworks.umb.edu
This report provides statistics over 25 years from several existing national datasets that
address the status of employment and economic self-sufficiency for individuals with …

Statedata: The national report on employment services and outcomes through 2016

J Winsor, JC Timmons, J Butterworth, A Migliore… - 2018 - scholarworks.umb.edu
Recent legislation and regulation governing Medicaid Home and Community-Based
Services (HCBS), the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act of 2014 (WIOA), and …

Content Validity Testing of the Community Life Engagement Guideposts Fidelity Scale

O Lyons, J Sulewski, N Kwan - Inclusion, 2024 - meridian.allenpress.com
The current study sought to address the lack of tools for defining and measuring the quality
of day services and supports through the development of a statistically valid tool—the …

Development of a community life engagement fidelity scale to assess and improve day services and supports

JS Sulewski, O Lyons, N Kwan - Journal of Vocational …, 2023 - journals.sagepub.com
BACKGROUND: Despite an increase in supported employment, a large and growing
number people with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD) still participate in non …

Guideposts for high-quality community life engagement supports: Results of expert interviews

JS Sulewski, JC Timmons, O Lyons, AC Hall - Inclusion, 2019 - meridian.allenpress.com
While the benefits of community life engagement (CLE) for individuals with intellectual and
developmental disability (IDD) are clear, high-quality day services and supports remain …

Exploring the impact of community service on career exploration, self-determination, and social skills for transition-age youth with Autism Spectrum Disorders

J Timmons, A Zalewska, AC Hall, S Fesko - Inclusion, 2017 - meridian.allenpress.com
Bleak transition outcomes for youth with autism spectrum disorder (ASD), coupled with the
surge in incidence, has led to the need for focused and innovative transition strategies …

Measuring Meaningful Community Inclusion: A Multiple Case Study of Developmental Disability Service Providers in Massachusetts

JJ Hayston - 2019 - search.proquest.com
This study used qualitative multiple case study analysis to explore community inclusion
implementation among developmental disability service providers in Massachusetts. The …

[CITARE][C] StateData: The National Report on Employment Services and Outcomes Through 2016 (Narrative)

J Winsor, J Timmons, J Butterworth, A Migliore