Review and consensus recommendations on clinical APT‐weighted imaging approaches at 3T: application to brain tumors
Amide proton transfer‐weighted (APTw) MR imaging shows promise as a biomarker of brain
tumor status. Currently used APTw MRI pulse sequences and protocols vary substantially …
tumor status. Currently used APTw MRI pulse sequences and protocols vary substantially …
[HTML][HTML] Molecular imaging of brain tumors and drug delivery using CEST MRI: promises and challenges
Chemical exchange saturation transfer (CEST) magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) detects
molecules in their natural forms in a sensitive and non-invasive manner. This makes it a …
molecules in their natural forms in a sensitive and non-invasive manner. This makes it a …
Detection of tissue pH with quantitative chemical exchange saturation transfer magnetic resonance imaging
Chemical exchange saturation transfer (CEST) magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) has
emerged as a novel means for sensitive detection of dilute labile protons and chemical …
emerged as a novel means for sensitive detection of dilute labile protons and chemical …
Quasi–steady‐state amide proton transfer (QUASS APT) MRI enhances pH‐weighted imaging of acute stroke
PZ Sun - Magnetic resonance in medicine, 2022 - Wiley Online Library
Purpose Chemical exchange saturation transfer (CEST) imaging measurement depends not
only on the labile proton concentration and pH‐dependent exchange rate but also on …
only on the labile proton concentration and pH‐dependent exchange rate but also on …
[HTML][HTML] Fast and equilibrium CEST imaging of brain tumor patients at 3T
Chemical exchange saturation transfer (CEST) MRI, versatile for detecting endogenous
mobile proteins and tissue pH, has proved valuable in tumor imaging. However, CEST MRI …
mobile proteins and tissue pH, has proved valuable in tumor imaging. However, CEST MRI …
Demonstration of pH imaging in acute stroke with endogenous ratiometric chemical exchange saturation transfer magnetic resonance imaging at 2 ppm
Abstract pH change is often considered a hallmark of metabolic disruption in diseases such
as ischemic stroke and cancer. Chemical exchange saturation transfer (CEST) MRI …
as ischemic stroke and cancer. Chemical exchange saturation transfer (CEST) MRI …
Improving standardization and accuracy of in vivo omega plot exchange parameter determination using rotating‐frame model‐based fitting of quasi‐steady‐state Z …
Purpose Although Ω‐plot‐driven quantification of in vivo amide exchange properties has
been demonstrated, differences in scan parameters may complicate the fidelity of …
been demonstrated, differences in scan parameters may complicate the fidelity of …
Demonstration of fast multi‐slice quasi‐steady‐state chemical exchange saturation transfer (QUASS CEST) human brain imaging at 3T
Purpose To combine multi‐slice chemical exchange saturation transfer (CEST) imaging with
quasi‐steady‐state (QUASS) processing and demonstrate the feasibility of fast QUASS …
quasi‐steady‐state (QUASS) processing and demonstrate the feasibility of fast QUASS …
Multi-pool chemical exchange saturation transfer MRI in glioma grading, molecular subty** and evaluating tumor proliferation
H Zhu, Y Li, Y Ding, Y Liu, N Shen, Y **e, S Yan… - Journal of Neuro …, 2024 - Springer
Purpose To evaluate the performance of multi-pool Chemical exchange saturation transfer
(CEST) MRI in prediction of glioma grade, isocitrate dehydrogenase (IDH) mutation, alpha …
(CEST) MRI in prediction of glioma grade, isocitrate dehydrogenase (IDH) mutation, alpha …
Deep learning to reconstruct quasi‐steady‐state chemical exchange saturation transfer from a non‐steady‐state experiment
G **ao, X Zhang, G Yang, Y Jia, G Yan… - NMR in …, 2023 - Wiley Online Library
The insufficiently long RF saturation duration and relaxation delay in chemical exchange
saturation transfer (CEST)‐MRI experiments may result in underestimation of CEST …
saturation transfer (CEST)‐MRI experiments may result in underestimation of CEST …