A review of psychosocial factors linked to adolescent substance use

EM Trucco - Pharmacology biochemistry and behavior, 2020 - Elsevier
Purpose Informed by ecological theories and models of influence, this review discusses
various psychosocial risk and protective factors that contribute to adolescent substance use …

Family and peer predictors of substance use from early adolescence to early adulthood: An 11-year prospective analysis

MJ Van Ryzin, GM Fosco, TJ Dishion - Addictive behaviors, 2012 - Elsevier
The focus of this study was social (ie, family and peer) influences on substance use from
early adolescence to early adulthood. A large, ethnically diverse sample of early …

A longitudinal study of the association of adolescent polydrug use, alcohol use and high school non‐completion

AB Kelly, TJ Evans‐Whipp, R Smith, GCK Chan… - …, 2015 - Wiley Online Library
Aims Failure to complete high school predicts substantial economic and social disadvantage
in adult life. The aim of this study was to determine the longitudinal association of mid …

Bidirectional associations between family factors and I nternet addiction among adolescents in a prospective investigation

CH Ko, PW Wang, TL Liu, CF Yen… - Psychiatry and …, 2015 - Wiley Online Library
Aims This study aimed at evaluating the effect of family factors on the occurrence of Internet
addiction and determining whether Internet addiction could make any difference in the family …

The role of parental alcohol use, parental discipline and antisocial behaviour on adolescent drinking trajectories

R Alati, P Baker, KS Betts, JP Connor, K Little… - Drug and alcohol …, 2014 - Elsevier
Backgrounds: Parental drinking, harsh parental discipline and adolescent antisocial
behaviour have been independently implicated in adolescent alcohol use. Robust …

Association of family member detention or deportation with Latino or Latina adolescents' later risks of suicidal ideation, alcohol use, and externalizing problems

KM Roche, RMB White, SF Lambert… - JAMA …, 2020 - jamanetwork.com
Importance Policy changes since early 2017 have resulted in a substantial expansion of
Latino or Latina immigrants prioritized for deportation and detention. Professional …

Parental and peer disapproval of alcohol use and its relationship to adolescent drinking: age, gender, and racial differences.

S Mrug, R McCay - Psychology of addictive behaviors, 2013 - psycnet.apa.org
This study examined age, gender, and racial differences in parental and peer disapproval of
alcohol use and in the relationship of these injunctive norms with drinking during …

Very young adolescents and alcohol: Evidence of a unique susceptibility to peer alcohol use

AB Kelly, GCK Chan, JW Toumbourou, M O'Flaherty… - Addictive …, 2012 - Elsevier
AIM: The aim of this study is to examine the susceptibility of very young adolescents (10–
12years of age) to peer alcohol-related influences, compared to older adolescents (13 …

Trajectories of adolescent alcohol use by gender and early initiation status

KA Bolland, JM Bolland, S Tomek… - Youth & …, 2016 - journals.sagepub.com
Within the adolescent risk behavior literature, questions remain about relationships among
behaviors in early adolescence, gender, context, and negative social and health outcomes …

16 Child and Adolescent Socialization into Substance Use

JE Donovan - The Oxford handbook of adolescent substance …, 2019 - books.google.com
This chapter reviews the literature on family, peer, and media influences on alcohol,
tobacco, and other drug use among children and adolescents. Parental drinking and drug …