Categories of change triggers in business processes

A Kaplan, K Busch, A Koziolek… - 2018 44th Euromicro …, 2018 -
Business processes need to constantly adapt due to changes in their environment and
requirements. Therefore, one of the main activities in business process management is the …

[BOK][B] An Architecture-based Approach for Change Impact Analysis of Software-intensive Systems

K Busch - 2020 -
This thesis presents an architecture-based and model-based approach to change
propagation analysis of software-intensive technical systems, which considers …

Sensor Node Enabled by a Miniaturised Planar Antenna for IoT Applications at TV White Space

Q Zhang, Y Gao - … IEEE International Conference on Internet of …, 2017 -
Billions of machine-to-machine (M2M) devices are expected to enable various Internet of
Things (IoT) applications, and a major portion of them is through wireless connections …