The hubbard model

DP Arovas, E Berg, SA Kivelson… - Annual review of …, 2022‏ -
The repulsive Hubbard model has been immensely useful in understanding strongly
correlated electron systems and serves as the paradigmatic model of the field. Despite its …

Secure quantum key distribution with realistic devices

F Xu, X Ma, Q Zhang, HK Lo, JW Pan - Reviews of modern physics, 2020‏ - APS
In principle, quantum key distribution (QKD) offers information-theoretic security based on
the laws of physics. In practice, however, the imperfections of realistic devices might …

Empowering deep neural quantum states through efficient optimization

A Chen, M Heyl - Nature Physics, 2024‏ -
Computing the ground state of interacting quantum matter is a long-standing challenge,
especially for complex two-dimensional systems. Recent developments have highlighted the …

QCD phase structure at finite temperature and density

W Fu, JM Pawlowski, F Rennecke - Physical Review D, 2020‏ - APS
We discuss the phase structure of QCD for N f= 2 and N f= 2+ 1 dynamical quark flavors at
finite temperature and baryon chemical potential. It emerges dynamically from the …

A field guide to spin liquids

J Knolle, R Moessner - Annual Review of Condensed Matter …, 2019‏ -
Spin liquids are collective phases of quantum matter that have eluded discovery in
correlated magnetic materials for over half a century. Theoretical models of these enigmatic …

Quantum spin liquid states

Y Zhou, K Kanoda, TK Ng - Reviews of Modern Physics, 2017‏ - APS
This is an introductory review of the physics of quantum spin liquid states. Quantum
magnetism is a rapidly evolving field, and recent developments reveal that the ground states …

Quantum spin liquids: a review

L Savary, L Balents - Reports on Progress in Physics, 2016‏ -
Quantum spin liquids may be considered'quantum disordered'ground states of spin systems,
in which zero-point fluctuations are so strong that they prevent conventional magnetic long …

Quantum entanglement in condensed matter systems

N Laflorencie - Physics Reports, 2016‏ - Elsevier
This review focuses on the field of quantum entanglement applied to condensed matter
physics systems with strong correlations, a domain which has rapidly grown over the last …

Two-dimensional frustrated model studied with neural network quantum states

K Choo, T Neupert, G Carleo - Physical Review B, 2019‏ - APS
The use of artificial neural networks to represent quantum wave functions has recently
attracted interest as a way to solve complex many-body problems. The potential of these …

Dirac-type nodal spin liquid revealed by refined quantum many-body solver using neural-network wave function, correlation ratio, and level spectroscopy

Y Nomura, M Imada - Physical Review X, 2021‏ - APS
Pursuing fractionalized particles that do not bear properties of conventional measurable
objects, exemplified by bare particles in the vacuum such as electrons and elementary …