[HTML][HTML] Film forming systems for topical and transdermal drug delivery

K Kathe, H Kathpalia - Asian journal of pharmaceutical sciences, 2017 - Elsevier
Skin is considered as an important route of administration of drugs for both local and
systemic effects. The effectiveness of topical therapy depends on the physicochemical …

Development of topical natural based film forming system loaded propolis from stingless bees for wound healing application

K Huanbutta, W Sittikijyothin, T Sangnim - Journal of Pharmaceutical …, 2020 - Springer
Purpose Propolis extract is an extraction of a resinous mixture of honey bees produced by
mixing saliva and beeswax with exudate gathered from tree. The prominent …

[HTML][HTML] Avances en las formulaciones de los antisépticos

A Calle-Moriel… - Ars Pharmaceutica …, 2021 - SciELO Espana
Objetivo: Revisar nuevas formulaciones antisépticas que minimicen los inconvenientes de
las formulaciones convencionales y mejoren la efectividad los tratamientos actualmente …

Enhancing chitosan solubility in alcohol: Water mixtures for film-forming systems releasing with turmeric extracts

J Huaytragul, J Chalitangkoon, P Monvisade… - Journal of the Taiwan …, 2021 - Elsevier
Background Film-forming system (FFS), a non-solid dosage form, are attractive drug delivery
system for the topical drug administration due to ability to form a film in situ on a skin after …

[PDF][PDF] Characterization and Evaluation of α-Mangostin-loaded Film-forming Gels for Acne Treatment.

P Tanngoen, S Lamlertthon… - Indian Journal of …, 2020 - pdfs.semanticscholar.org
In this study, α-mangostin, extracted from mangosteen peel, was developed in to a topical
film-forming gel antiacne preparation using different film-forming polymers as carriers. The …

Safe-by-design development of a topical patch for drug delivery

MB Vaz, C Vitorino, JJS Sousa - Brazilian Journal of Pharmaceutical …, 2020 - SciELO Brasil
Few topical products have been developed specifically to treat acute and chronic arthritis
and inflammation, using non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). The lack of dosing …

A review on film forming drug delivery systems

HYM Al-Jarsha, MM Ghareeb… - Research Journal of …, 2021 - indianjournals.com
Conventional dosage forms for topical and transdermal drug delivery have several
disadvantages related mainly to its poor skin permeation and patient compliance. Many …

[PDF][PDF] Formulation and characterization of amlodipine loaded in-situ film forming hydrogen for dermal drug delivery

N Dobhal, J Bhatt, BC Joshi - J. Med. Pharm, 2022 - jmpas.com
Present work involves the development of novel in situ film-forming hydrogels (FFH)
consisting of primarily Carbopol 934P, HPMC E50 LV and PEG 400. Here, propylene glycol …

Disoluce léčiva z tenkých filmů na bázi plastifikovaných PLGA derivátů

S Kodytková - 2022 - dspace.cuni.cz
UNIVERZTA KARLOVA Farmaceutická fakulta v Hradci Králové Katedra farmaceutické
technologie Autorka: Simona Kodytková Název diplomové práce: Disoluce léčiva z tenkých …

[PDF][PDF] A Review on Topical Film Forming Spray

D Patel Hetvi, C Shah, U Upadhyay - researchgate.net
When contrasted with conventional skin arrangements, film-framing showers can give
steady medicine dispersion and portion, improved bioavailability, decreased aggravation …