Carrier grain boundary scattering in thermoelectric materials
C Hu, K ** a strategy to improve high thermoelectric performance is …
Interstitial Cu: an effective strategy for high carrier mobility and high thermoelectric performance in GeTe
Dense point defects can strengthen phonon scattering to reduce the lattice thermal
conductivity and induce outstanding thermoelectric performance in GeTe‐based materials …
conductivity and induce outstanding thermoelectric performance in GeTe‐based materials …
Advanced thermoelectric design: from materials and structures to devices
The long-standing popularity of thermoelectric materials has contributed to the creation of
various thermoelectric devices and stimulated the development of strategies to improve their …
various thermoelectric devices and stimulated the development of strategies to improve their …
Dense dislocations enable high-performance PbSe thermoelectric at low-medium temperatures
PbSe-based thermoelectric materials exhibit promising ZT values at medium temperature,
but its near-room-temperature thermoelectric properties are overlooked, thus restricting its …
but its near-room-temperature thermoelectric properties are overlooked, thus restricting its …
Advances in versatile GeTe thermoelectrics from materials to devices
Driven by the intensive efforts in the development of high‐performance GeTe
thermoelectrics for mass‐market application in power generation and refrigeration, GeTe …
thermoelectrics for mass‐market application in power generation and refrigeration, GeTe …
Recent advances in designing thermoelectric materials
The rising demand for energy has accelerated the search for clean and renewable sources
and newer approaches towards efficient energy management. One of the most promising …
and newer approaches towards efficient energy management. One of the most promising …
Strong charge carrier scattering at grain boundaries of PbTe caused by the collapse of metavalent bonding
Grain boundaries (GBs) play a significant role in controlling the transport of mass, heat and
charge. To unravel the mechanisms underpinning the charge carrier scattering at GBs …
charge. To unravel the mechanisms underpinning the charge carrier scattering at GBs …
Review of current high-ZT thermoelectric materials
J Wei, L Yang, Z Ma, P Song, M Zhang, J Ma… - Journal of Materials …, 2020 - Springer
Thermoelectric materials are capable of converting heat and electricity to each other.
Thermoelectric devices can be miniaturized and highly integrated with existing …
Thermoelectric devices can be miniaturized and highly integrated with existing …