HPWS and knowledge sharing behavior: The role of psychological empowerment and organizational identification in public sector banks
Taking a social identity perspective, we predict that high‐performance work system (HPWS)
has a relationship with knowledge sharing behavior (KSB) through psychological …
has a relationship with knowledge sharing behavior (KSB) through psychological …
Examining the relationship between recruitment & selection practices and business growth: An exploratory study
The study aims to evaluate the factors that can be incorporated into the process of selection
and recruitment for business growth in Pakistan. An exploratory study based on the content …
and recruitment for business growth in Pakistan. An exploratory study based on the content …
[HTML][HTML] The impact of leaders' coaching skills on employees' happiness and turnover intention
This study seeks to provide a more comprehensive understanding of how leaders with
coaching skills can affect an individual's turnover intention through the mediating role of …
coaching skills can affect an individual's turnover intention through the mediating role of …
PERMA well-being and innovative work behaviour: A systematic literature review
Background: The purpose of this research is to examine at how the literature measures the
relationship between PERMA (positive emotion, engagement, relationships, meaning, and …
relationship between PERMA (positive emotion, engagement, relationships, meaning, and …
Managerial coaching skill and team performance: how does the relationship work and under what conditions?
Empirical evidence about whether and how managerial coaching relates to team
performance continues to lag behind research conducted on individual employee outcomes …
performance continues to lag behind research conducted on individual employee outcomes …
Green inclusive leadership and hospitality employees' green service innovative behavior in the Chinese hospitality context: The roles of basic psychological needs …
With the Chinese hospitality industry's continuous emphasis on environmental sustainability
and meeting customers' needs for eco-friendly services, how to motivate employees to …
and meeting customers' needs for eco-friendly services, how to motivate employees to …
The manager as coach
This chapter will discuss and elaborate on the concept of the 'manager as coach'. Our
chapter is intended to do the following:• Introduce and define the concepts of the manager …
chapter is intended to do the following:• Introduce and define the concepts of the manager …
When and How tourists engage in citizenship behavior: The interactive effect of trait gratitude and positive resident–tourist contact
H Tu, Z Zhang, Z Jiang - Journal of Travel Research, 2023 - journals.sagepub.com
This study investigates when and how trait gratitude stimulates tourist citizenship behavior
(TCB). Building on trait activation theory, the present study proposes a mediated moderation …
(TCB). Building on trait activation theory, the present study proposes a mediated moderation …
How does leaders' managerial coaching impact followers' in-role and extra-role behaviors? The mediating roles of intrinsic motivation and self-efficacy
Purpose The purpose of this study is to investigate the effects of leaders' managerial
coaching on followers' organizational citizenship behavior (OCB), creativity and task …
coaching on followers' organizational citizenship behavior (OCB), creativity and task …
How does despotic leadership thwart frontline employees' role-related service behaviors? A psychological empowerment perspective
X Sun, K Li, J Cheng - Journal of hospitality and tourism management, 2024 - Elsevier
Frontline employees' role-related service behaviors, including in-role service behaviors and
extra-role service behaviors, are crucial for ensuring customer satisfaction and enhancing …
extra-role service behaviors, are crucial for ensuring customer satisfaction and enhancing …