Organic photovoltaics over three decades
O Inganäs - Advanced materials, 2018 - Wiley Online Library
The development of organic semiconductors for photovoltaic devices, over the last three
decades, has led to unexpected performance for an alternative choice of materials to convert …
decades, has led to unexpected performance for an alternative choice of materials to convert …
Optical gaps of organic solar cells as a reference for comparing voltage losses
The voltage loss, determined by the difference between the optical gap (Eg) and the open‐
circuit voltage (VOC), is one of the most important parameters determining the performance …
circuit voltage (VOC), is one of the most important parameters determining the performance …
3D crystal framework regulation enables se‐functionalized small molecule acceptors achieve over 19% efficiency
Se‐functionalized small molecule acceptors (SMAs) exhibit unique advantages in
constructing materials with near‐infrared absorption, but their photovoltaic performance lags …
constructing materials with near‐infrared absorption, but their photovoltaic performance lags …
Low-bandgap near-IR conjugated polymers/molecules for organic electronics
1. INTRODUCTION An important topic in materials science in the past few decades has
been the development of organic semiconductors and their broad applications in electronics …
been the development of organic semiconductors and their broad applications in electronics …
[HTML][HTML] Conducting polymers for optoelectronic devices and organic solar cells: A review
In this review paper, we present a comprehensive summary of the different organic solar cell
(OSC) families. Pure and doped conjugated polymers are described. The band structure …
(OSC) families. Pure and doped conjugated polymers are described. The band structure …
Open circuit voltage of organic solar cells: an in-depth review
Organic solar cells (OSCs) have developed progressively in efficiency over the last two
decades. Though it is promising, this technology is still far from realizing its full prospect …
decades. Though it is promising, this technology is still far from realizing its full prospect …
A comparison of charge carrier dynamics in organic and perovskite solar cells
The charge carrier dynamics in organic solar cells and organic–inorganic hybrid metal
halide perovskite solar cells, two leading technologies in thin‐film photovoltaics, are …
halide perovskite solar cells, two leading technologies in thin‐film photovoltaics, are …
Single-junction polymer solar cells with high efficiency and photovoltage
Polymer solar cells are an exciting class of next-generation photovoltaics, because they hold
promise for the realization of mechanically flexible, lightweight, large-area devices that can …
promise for the realization of mechanically flexible, lightweight, large-area devices that can …
Progress in understanding degradation mechanisms and improving stability in organic photovoltaics
Understanding the degradation mechanisms of organic photovoltaics is particularly
important, as they tend to degrade faster than their inorganic counterparts, such as silicon …
important, as they tend to degrade faster than their inorganic counterparts, such as silicon …
Bulk‐heterojunction organic solar cells: five core technologies for their commercialization
The past two decades of vigorous interdisciplinary approaches has seen tremendous
breakthroughs in both scientific and technological developments of bulk‐heterojunction …
breakthroughs in both scientific and technological developments of bulk‐heterojunction …