The political economy of the resource curse
ML Ross - World politics, 1999 - cambridge.org
How does a state's natural resource wealth influence its economic development? For the
past fifty years, versions of this question have been explored by both economists and …
past fifty years, versions of this question have been explored by both economists and …
40 years of Dutch Disease literature: lessons for develo** countries
This paper surveys the" Dutch disease" literature in develo** and emerging countries. It
describes the original model of Dutch disease and some main extensions proposed in the …
describes the original model of Dutch disease and some main extensions proposed in the …
[КНИГА][B] Introduction to computable general equilibrium models
ME Burfisher - 2021 - books.google.com
Computable general equilibrium (CGE) models play an important role in supporting public-
policy making on such issues as trade, climate change and taxation. This significantly …
policy making on such issues as trade, climate change and taxation. This significantly …
Quantitative development policy analysis
JCO Nyankori - 1996 - JSTOR
The book is organized into twelve chapters cover-ing consumer demand, production and
supply, risk responses, household behavior, transaction costs, price distortions, exchange …
supply, risk responses, household behavior, transaction costs, price distortions, exchange …
Oil wealth and regime survival in the develo** world, 1960–1999
B Smith - American Journal of Political Science, 2004 - Wiley Online Library
This article examines contrasting claims made by scholars of oil and politics that oil wealth
either tends (1) to undermine regime durability or (2) to enhance it. Using cross‐sectional …
either tends (1) to undermine regime durability or (2) to enhance it. Using cross‐sectional …
Learning to love the Dutch disease: Evidence from the mineral economies
GA Davis - World development, 1995 - Elsevier
Recent literature proposes that a booming minerals sector may not only lead to Dutch
disease effects, it may also be a development curse. Mineral economy case studies have …
disease effects, it may also be a development curse. Mineral economy case studies have …
[КНИГА][B] The structural manifestation of the 'Dutch disease': the case of oil exporting countries
K Ismail - 2010 - books.google.com
This study derives structural implications of the Dutch disease in oil-exporting countries due
to permanent oil price shocks from a typical model. We then test these implications in …
to permanent oil price shocks from a typical model. We then test these implications in …
Is tourism-based development good for the poor?: A general equilibrium analysis for Thailand
In low-income countries, the use of tax revenues to fund tourism promotions is motivated in
part by the belief that tourism growth will improve income distribution by expanding demand …
part by the belief that tourism growth will improve income distribution by expanding demand …
[PDF][PDF] Policy lessons from two-sector models
S Devarajan, J Lewis, S Robinson - 1990 - ageconsearch.umn.edu
This paper describes how to specify, solve, and draw policy lessons from small, two-sector,
general equilibrium models of develo** countries. In the last two decades, changes in the …
general equilibrium models of develo** countries. In the last two decades, changes in the …
Dutch disease economics and oil syndrome: An empirical study
M Fardmanesh - World Development, 1991 - Elsevier
This paper integrates the existing Dutch Disease models of an oil boom into a reduced-form
three-sector model and estimates it for five develo** oil-exporting countries having …
three-sector model and estimates it for five develo** oil-exporting countries having …