Understanding urban perception with visual data: A systematic review
Visual characteristics of the built environment affect how people perceive and experience
cities. For a long time, many studies have examined visual perception in cities. Such efforts …
cities. For a long time, many studies have examined visual perception in cities. Such efforts …
[HTML][HTML] Urban green space and subjective well-being of older people: a systematic literature review
A growing number of articles have identified and reported the benefits and importance of
urban green spaces for improving human well-being, but there is a significant knowledge …
urban green spaces for improving human well-being, but there is a significant knowledge …
Flood risk assessment through rapid urbanization LULC change with destruction of urban green infrastructures based on NASA Landsat time series data: A case of …
Kuala Lumpur, as one of the fastest growing cities in the world, is facing significant negative
impacts on its urban ecosystem services (UESs) due to rapid urbanization. Among the …
impacts on its urban ecosystem services (UESs) due to rapid urbanization. Among the …
Spatiotemporal patterns and inequity of urban green space accessibility and its relationship with urban spatial expansion in China during rapid urbanization period
Equitable access to urban green spaces (UGS) is an important component of social justice
and can be quantified using indices such as urban green space accessibility (UGSA) …
and can be quantified using indices such as urban green space accessibility (UGSA) …
Designing parks for older adults: A qualitative study using walk-along interviews
The proportion of older adults in the population is increasing and ageing is associated with
poorer physical, mental and social health. Hence, there is increasing need for community …
poorer physical, mental and social health. Hence, there is increasing need for community …
Public perceptions of urban green spaces: convergences and divergences
In the context of rapid climate change, it is important to understand public perceptions of
urban green spaces (UGSs), because green spaces have enormous potential as …
urban green spaces (UGSs), because green spaces have enormous potential as …
Evaluating the demand for urban green infrastructure: A residential perspective
H Zhao, B Gu, L Zhou, X Li, X Gu - Cities, 2024 - Elsevier
Climate change and the pandemic have significantly influenced, and in some instances,
transformed people's perceptions of the environment, social interaction, and physical and …
transformed people's perceptions of the environment, social interaction, and physical and …
Relationships between childhood experience of nature and green/blue space use, landscape preferences, connection with nature and pro-environmental behavior
Nature exposure during childhood is thought to foster habits and preferences leading to
greater nature exposure in adult life, thus providing an indirect route to increased mental …
greater nature exposure in adult life, thus providing an indirect route to increased mental …
Optimizing urban forest landscape for better perceptions of positive emotions
J Zhang, Z Yang, Z Chen, M Guo, P Guo - Forests, 2021 - mdpi.com
Interacting with urban spaces that are green and blue is believed to promote mental well-
being and positive emotions. Therefore, there is an incentive to strategically design urban …
being and positive emotions. Therefore, there is an incentive to strategically design urban …
The role of park size on ecosystem services in urban environment: a review
Urban parks play an important role in urban ecosystems with multifunctional services. Park
size is one of the important attributes to explain the potential capacity of urban parks. In …
size is one of the important attributes to explain the potential capacity of urban parks. In …