Long-range interacting quantum systems
In this review recent investigations are summarized of many-body quantum systems with
long-range interactions, which are currently realized in Rydberg atom arrays, dipolar …
long-range interactions, which are currently realized in Rydberg atom arrays, dipolar …
The uniform electron gas at warm dense matter conditions
Motivated by the current high interest in the field of warm dense matter research, in this
article we review the uniform electron gas (UEG) at finite temperature and over a broad …
article we review the uniform electron gas (UEG) at finite temperature and over a broad …
Observation of the 2D–1D crossover in strongly interacting ultracold bosons
Dimensionality plays an essential role in determining the nature and properties of a physical
system. This is particularly evident in quantum systems, where interactions and fluctuations …
system. This is particularly evident in quantum systems, where interactions and fluctuations …
[HTML][HTML] Electronic density response of warm dense matter
Matter at extreme temperatures and pressures—commonly known as warm dense matter
(WDM)—is ubiquitous throughout our Universe and occurs in astrophysical objects such as …
(WDM)—is ubiquitous throughout our Universe and occurs in astrophysical objects such as …
Anomalous cooling of bosons by dimensional reduction
Cold atomic gases provide a remarkable testbed to study the physics of interacting many-
body quantum systems. Temperatures are necessarily nonzero, but cooling to the ultralow …
body quantum systems. Temperatures are necessarily nonzero, but cooling to the ultralow …
Condensed matter theory of dipolar quantum gases
The realization of Bose Einstein condensates (BEC) and quantum degenerate Fermi gases
with cold atoms has been a highlight of quantum physics during the past decade. Cold …
with cold atoms has been a highlight of quantum physics during the past decade. Cold …
Three-Dimensional Roton Excitations and Supersolid Formation<? format?> in Rydberg-Excited Bose-Einstein Condensates
We study the behavior of a Bose-Einstein condensate in which atoms are weakly coupled to
a highly excited Rydberg state. Since the latter have very strong van der Waals interactions …
a highly excited Rydberg state. Since the latter have very strong van der Waals interactions …
Colloquium: Supersolids: What and where are they?
M Boninsegni, NV Prokof'ev - Reviews of Modern Physics, 2012 - APS
The ongoing experimental and theoretical effort aimed at understanding nonclassical
rotational inertia in solid helium has sparked renewed interest in the supersolid phase of …
rotational inertia in solid helium has sparked renewed interest in the supersolid phase of …
The ALPS project release 1.3: Open-source software for strongly correlated systems
We present release 1.3 of the ALPS (Algorithms and Libraries for Physics Simulations)
project, an international open-source software project to develop libraries and application …
project, an international open-source software project to develop libraries and application …
Worm algorithm and diagrammatic Monte Carlo: A new approach to continuous-space path integral Monte Carlo simulations
A detailed description is provided of a new worm algorithm, enabling the accurate
computation of thermodynamic properties of quantum many-body systems in continuous …
computation of thermodynamic properties of quantum many-body systems in continuous …