Mining intentional process models

G Khodabandelou - 2014 -
So far, process mining techniques suggested to model processes in terms of tasks that occur
during the enactment of a process. However, research on process modeling has illustrated …

[PDF][PDF] Term Based Weight Measure for Information Filtering in Search Engines

M Annalakshmi, A Padmapriya - International Journal of Engineering …, 2018 -
The World Wide Web has been loaded with enormous amount of data in the recent years.
Web Mining is the application of data mining techniques to find interesting and potentially …

[PDF][PDF] Personalized ontology learning for enhancing text mining effectiveness

Y Shen - 2013 -
Over the last decade, the majority of existing search techniques is either keywordbased or
category-based, resulting in unsatisfactory effectiveness. Meanwhile, studies have illustrated …