[HTML][HTML] Current understanding of the effects of congestion on traffic accidents
Traffic accidents impart both economic and social costs upon communities around the world,
hence the desire for accident rates to be reduced. For this reduction to occur, the factors …
hence the desire for accident rates to be reduced. For this reduction to occur, the factors …
Analyzing the transition from two-vehicle collisions to chain reaction crashes: A hybrid approach using random parameters logit model, interpretable machine learning …
Chain reaction crashes (CRC) begin with a two-vehicle collision and rapidly intensify as
more vehicles get directly involved. CRCs result in more extensive damage compared to two …
more vehicles get directly involved. CRCs result in more extensive damage compared to two …
Predicting the use frequency of ride-sourcing by off-campus university students through random forest and Bayesian network techniques
This study used a survey technique to investigate factors that motivate the adoption and the
usage frequency of ride-sourcing among students in a Malaysia public university. Two of the …
usage frequency of ride-sourcing among students in a Malaysia public university. Two of the …
Prediction of vehicle occupants injury at signalized intersections using real-time traffic and signal data
Intersections are among the most dangerous roadway facilities due to the existence of
complex movements of traffic. Most of the previous intersection safety studies are conducted …
complex movements of traffic. Most of the previous intersection safety studies are conducted …
A surrogate model-based approach for adaptive selection of the optimal traffic conflict prediction model
D Wu, JJ Lee, Y Li, J Li, S Tian, Z Yang - Accident Analysis & Prevention, 2024 - Elsevier
For identifying the optimal model for real-time conflict prediction, there is a necessity for
proposing a quantitative analysis approach that adaptively selects the optimal prediction …
proposing a quantitative analysis approach that adaptively selects the optimal prediction …
A hybrid machine learning model for predicting real-time secondary crash likelihood
Secondary crashes usually occur within the spatio-temporal impact ranges of primary
crashes, which could cause traffic disturbance and increase traffic safety problems …
crashes, which could cause traffic disturbance and increase traffic safety problems …
Modeling severity of motorcycle crashes with Dirichlet process priors
Motorcycles are becoming increasingly popular, especially in develo** countries. This
increasing exposure, combined with the fact that they most likely result in injury crashes …
increasing exposure, combined with the fact that they most likely result in injury crashes …
Spatial and temporal prediction of secondary crashes combining stacked sparse auto-encoder and long short-term memory
H Li, Q Gao, Z Zhang, Y Zhang, G Ren - Accident Analysis & Prevention, 2023 - Elsevier
Secondary crashes occur within the spatial and temporal impact area of primary crashes,
resulting in traffic delays and safety problems. While most existing studies focus on the …
resulting in traffic delays and safety problems. While most existing studies focus on the …
Safety performance assessment of connected vehicles in mitigating the risk of secondary crashes: A driving simulator study
Traffic crashes can be divided into primary and secondary crashes. Secondary crashes
occur as a consequence of primary crashes within their spatiotemporal distances …
occur as a consequence of primary crashes within their spatiotemporal distances …
Analyzing pile-up crash severity: Insights from real-time traffic and environmental factors using ensemble machine learning and shapley additive explanations method
Pile-up (PU) crashes, which involve multiple collisions between more than two vehicles
within a brief timeframe, carry substantial consequences, including fatalities and significant …
within a brief timeframe, carry substantial consequences, including fatalities and significant …