Modern code reviews—survey of literature and practice

D Badampudi, M Unterkalmsteiner… - ACM Transactions on …, 2023 -
Background: Modern Code Review (MCR) is a lightweight alternative to traditional code
inspections. While secondary studies on MCR exist, it is ua nknown whether the research …

A systematic literature review and taxonomy of modern code review

N Davila, I Nunes - Journal of Systems and Software, 2021 - Elsevier
Abstract Context: Modern Code Review (MCR) is a widely known practice of software quality
assurance. However, the existing body of knowledge of MCR is currently not understood as …

Commentfinder: a simpler, faster, more accurate code review comments recommendation

Y Hong, C Tantithamthavorn… - Proceedings of the 30th …, 2022 -
Code review is an effective quality assurance practice, but can be labor-intensive since
developers have to manually review the code and provide written feedback. Recently, a …

Autotransform: Automated code transformation to support modern code review process

P Thongtanunam, C Pornprasit… - Proceedings of the 44th …, 2022 -
Code review is effective, but human-intensive (eg, developers need to manually modify
source code until it is approved). Recently, prior work proposed a Neural Machine …

Reviewer recommendation for pull-requests in GitHub: What can we learn from code review and bug assignment?

Y Yu, H Wang, G Yin, T Wang - Information and software technology, 2016 - Elsevier
Context: The pull-based model, widely used in distributed software development, offers an
extremely low barrier to entry for potential contributors (anyone can submit of contributions to …

Who should review my code? a file location-based code-reviewer recommendation approach for modern code review

P Thongtanunam, C Tantithamthavorn… - 2015 IEEE 22nd …, 2015 -
Software code review is an inspection of a code change by an independent third-party
developer in order to identify and fix defects before an integration. Effectively performing …

[PDF][PDF] Splitting the organization and integrating the code: Conway's law revisited

JD Herbsleb, RE Grinter - … of the 21st international conference on …, 1999 -
It is widely acknowledged that coordination of large scale software development is an
extremely difficult and persistent problem. Since the structure of the code mirrors the …

Code reviewing in the trenches: Challenges and best practices

L MacLeod, M Greiler, MA Storey, C Bird… - IEEE …, 2017 -
Code review has been widely adopted by and adapted to open source and industrial
projects. Code review practices have undergone extensive research, with most studies …

Information needs in contemporary code review

L Pascarella, D Spadini, F Palomba… - Proceedings of the …, 2018 -
Contemporary code review is a widespread practice used by software engineers to maintain
high software quality and share project knowledge. However, conducting proper code …

Correct: code reviewer recommendation in github based on cross-project and technology experience

MM Rahman, CK Roy, JA Collins - Proceedings of the 38th international …, 2016 -
Peer code review locates common coding rule violations and simple logical errors in the
early phases of software development, and thus reduces overall cost. However, in GitHub …