Modern code reviews—survey of literature and practice
Background: Modern Code Review (MCR) is a lightweight alternative to traditional code
inspections. While secondary studies on MCR exist, it is ua nknown whether the research …
inspections. While secondary studies on MCR exist, it is ua nknown whether the research …
A systematic literature review and taxonomy of modern code review
Abstract Context: Modern Code Review (MCR) is a widely known practice of software quality
assurance. However, the existing body of knowledge of MCR is currently not understood as …
assurance. However, the existing body of knowledge of MCR is currently not understood as …
Commentfinder: a simpler, faster, more accurate code review comments recommendation
Code review is an effective quality assurance practice, but can be labor-intensive since
developers have to manually review the code and provide written feedback. Recently, a …
developers have to manually review the code and provide written feedback. Recently, a …
Autotransform: Automated code transformation to support modern code review process
Code review is effective, but human-intensive (eg, developers need to manually modify
source code until it is approved). Recently, prior work proposed a Neural Machine …
source code until it is approved). Recently, prior work proposed a Neural Machine …
Reviewer recommendation for pull-requests in GitHub: What can we learn from code review and bug assignment?
Y Yu, H Wang, G Yin, T Wang - Information and software technology, 2016 - Elsevier
Context: The pull-based model, widely used in distributed software development, offers an
extremely low barrier to entry for potential contributors (anyone can submit of contributions to …
extremely low barrier to entry for potential contributors (anyone can submit of contributions to …
Who should review my code? a file location-based code-reviewer recommendation approach for modern code review
Software code review is an inspection of a code change by an independent third-party
developer in order to identify and fix defects before an integration. Effectively performing …
developer in order to identify and fix defects before an integration. Effectively performing …
[PDF][PDF] Splitting the organization and integrating the code: Conway's law revisited
It is widely acknowledged that coordination of large scale software development is an
extremely difficult and persistent problem. Since the structure of the code mirrors the …
extremely difficult and persistent problem. Since the structure of the code mirrors the …
Code reviewing in the trenches: Challenges and best practices
Code review has been widely adopted by and adapted to open source and industrial
projects. Code review practices have undergone extensive research, with most studies …
projects. Code review practices have undergone extensive research, with most studies …
Information needs in contemporary code review
Contemporary code review is a widespread practice used by software engineers to maintain
high software quality and share project knowledge. However, conducting proper code …
high software quality and share project knowledge. However, conducting proper code …
Correct: code reviewer recommendation in github based on cross-project and technology experience
Peer code review locates common coding rule violations and simple logical errors in the
early phases of software development, and thus reduces overall cost. However, in GitHub …
early phases of software development, and thus reduces overall cost. However, in GitHub …