Recent advances in heteromorph ammonoid palaeobiology

R Hoffmann, JS Slattery, I Kruta… - Biological …, 2021 - Wiley Online Library
Heteromorphs are ammonoids forming a conch with detached whorls (open coiling) or non‐
planispiral coiling. Such aberrant forms appeared convergently four times within this extinct …

Ammonoid buccal mass and jaw apparatus

K Tanabe, I Kruta, NH Landman - Ammonoid paleobiology: From anatomy …, 2015 - Springer
Current knowledge on the ammonoid buccal mass and jaw apparatus is synthesized based
on in situ fossil records from 109 genera that are distributed in 30 superfamilies of 8 …

Mode of life and habitat of scaphitid ammonites

NH Landman, WA Cobban, NL Larson - Geobios, 2012 - Elsevier
Scaphitid ammonites (scaphites) are among the most common ammonites in the Upper
Cretaceous of the US Western Interior. We have examined species of Hoploscaphites from …

Syn vivo hydrostatic and hydrodynamic properties of scaphitid ammonoids from the US Western Interior

DJ Peterman, N Hebdon, CN Ciampaglio… - Geobios, 2020 - Elsevier
Scaphitid ammonoids were ubiquitous and significant components of the Western Interior
Seaway during the Late Cretaceous. This group is characterized by a recurved hook at …

[HTML][HTML] Scaphites of the “nodosus group” from the Upper Cretaceous (Campanian) of the Western Interior of North America

NH Landman, WJ Kennedy, WA Cobban… - Bulletin of the American …, 2010 - BioOne
Scaphitid ammonites (scaphites) are common in the Upper Cretaceous Pierre Shale and
Bearpaw Shale of the Western Interior of North America. We redescribe Hoploscaphites …

Ammonite aptychi: Functions and role in propulsion

H Parent, GEG Westermann, JA Chamberlain Jr - Geobios, 2014 - Elsevier
Seven previous proposals of aptychus (sensu stricto) function are reviewed: lower mandible,
protection of gonads of females, protective operculum, ballasting, flushing benthic prey …

Anatomy of a concretion: life, death, and burial in the Western Interior Seaway

NH Landman, SM Klofak - Palaios, 2012 -
Concretions are the most characteristic mode of fossil occurrence in the Upper Cretaceous
Western Interior of the United States. An in-depth analysis of a single concretion from the …

Vertical escape tactics and movement potential of orthoconic cephalopods

DJ Peterman, KA Ritterbush - PeerJ, 2021 -
Measuring locomotion tactics available to ancient sea animals can link functional
morphology with evolution and ecology over geologic timescales. Externally-shelled …

[PDF][PDF] Mode of life and hydrostatic stability of orthoconic ectocochleate cephalopods: Hydrodynamic analyses of restoring moments from 3D printed, neutrally buoyant …

DJ Peterman, CN Ciampaglio, RC Shell… - Acta …, 2019 -
Theoretical 3D models were digitally reconstructed from a phragmocone section of Baculites
compressus in order to investigate the hydrostatic properties of the orthoconic morphotype …

Key innovations in Mesozoic ammonoids: the multicuspidate radula and the calcified aptychus

H Keupp, R Hoffmann, K Stevens… - Palaeontology, 2016 - Wiley Online Library
A nearly complete radula with seven elements per row preserved inside of an isolated,
bivalved, calcitic lower jaw (= aptychus) of the Late Jurassic ammonite Aspidoceras is …