Brazilian test of concrete specimens subjected to different loading geometries: review and new insights

VJ García, CO Márquez, AR Zúñiga-Suárez… - International Journal of …, 2017‏ - Springer
The objective of this work was finding out the most advisable testing conditions for an
effective and robust characterization of the tensile strength (TS) of concrete disks. The …

The strength of the Brazilian fracture test

A Kumar, Y Liu, JE Dolbow, O Lopez-Pamies - Journal of the Mechanics …, 2024‏ - Elsevier
Since its introduction in the 1940s until present times, the so-called Brazilian test has been
embraced by practitioners worldwide as a method of choice to indirectly measure the tensile …

Experimental analysis and characterization of damage evolution in rock under cyclic loading

H Song, H Zhang, D Fu, Q Zhang - … Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining …, 2016‏ - Elsevier
In many rock engineering fields such as underground excavation, rock slope and mining
activities, rock materials often experience cyclic loading. Due to the intrinsic micro-structure …

Experimental and numerical investigations of concrete behaviour at meso-level during quasi-static splitting tension

J Suchorzewski, J Tejchman, M Nitka - Theoretical and Applied Fracture …, 2018‏ - Elsevier
The paper describes experimental and numerical results of quasi-static splitting tensile tests
on concrete specimens at meso-scale level. The experiments were carried out on cylindrical …

A study of crack initiation and source mechanism in the Brazilian test based on moment tensor

W Sun, S Wu - Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 2021‏ - Elsevier
It has been widely accepted that the Brazilian test can be used to obtain the indirect tensile
strength of geo-materials. However, the effects of the contact conditions and the …

Numerical modelling of the contact condition of a Brazilian disk test and its influence on the tensile strength of rock

R Yuan, B Shen - International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining …, 2017‏ - Elsevier
The stress distribution and failure process in the Brazilian test disk are numerically studied
using the continuum-based discrete element method. The stress distribution in the …

Determination of critical criterion of tensile-shear failure in Brazilian disc based on theoretical analysis and meso-macro numerical simulation

Z Zhao, W Sun, S Chen, D Yin, H Liu, B Chen - Computers and Geotechnics, 2021‏ - Elsevier
To define the critical criterion between tensile failure and shear failure of Brazilian disc is
crucial for determination of tensile strength under combination of tensile and compressive …

Macro/Microtesting and Damage and Degradation of Sandstones under Dry‐Wet Cycles

X Liu, Z Wang, Y Fu, W Yuan… - Advances in Materials …, 2016‏ - Wiley Online Library
In terms of the degradation of mechanical parameters of rock mass in the hydrofluctuation
belt of a reservoir bank slope arising from rainfall and the reservoir level fluctuation, the …

Combination of Brazilian test and digital image correlation for mechanical characterization of refractory materials

Y Belrhiti, JC Dupre, O Pop, A Germaneau… - Journal of the European …, 2017‏ - Elsevier
Flexibility of refractories is an interesting property to improve thermal shock resistance of
refractories. It can often be obtained by promoting a nonlinear mechanical behaviour which …

Mechanical behavior of different sedimentary rocks in the Brazilian test

Z Wang, S Yang, Y Tang - Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the …, 2020‏ - Springer
Mechanical behavior of the rock in tensile stress environment remains an unresolved
problem in the underground mining, where surrounding rocks commonly experience tensile …