A typology of compound weather and climate events
Compound weather and climate events describe combinations of multiple climate drivers
and/or hazards that contribute to societal or environmental risk. Although many climate …
and/or hazards that contribute to societal or environmental risk. Although many climate …
Future climate risk from compound events
Floods, wildfires, heatwaves and droughts often result from a combination of interacting
physical processes across multiple spatial and temporal scales. The combination of …
physical processes across multiple spatial and temporal scales. The combination of …
Future socio-ecosystem productivity threatened by compound drought–heatwave events
Compound drought–heatwave (CDHW) events are one of the worst climatic stressors for
global sustainable development. However, the physical mechanisms behind CDHWs and …
global sustainable development. However, the physical mechanisms behind CDHWs and …
Flood risk in urban areas: Modelling, management and adaptation to climate change. A review
The modelling and management of flood risk in urban areas are increasingly recognized as
global challenges. The complexity of these issues is a consequence of the existence of …
global challenges. The complexity of these issues is a consequence of the existence of …
Recent advances and new frontiers in riverine and coastal flood modeling
Over the past decades, the scientific community has made significant efforts to simulate
flooding conditions using a variety of complex physically based models. Despite all …
flooding conditions using a variety of complex physically based models. Despite all …
Compounding effects of sea level rise and fluvial flooding
Sea level rise (SLR), a well-documented and urgent aspect of anthropogenic global
warming, threatens population and assets located in low-lying coastal regions all around the …
warming, threatens population and assets located in low-lying coastal regions all around the …
Multivariate C opula A nalysis T oolbox (MvCAT): describing dependence and underlying uncertainty using a B ayesian framework
We present a newly developed Multivariate Copula Analysis Toolbox (MvCAT) which
includes a wide range of copula families with different levels of complexity. MvCAT employs …
includes a wide range of copula families with different levels of complexity. MvCAT employs …
Climate change and changes in compound coastal‐riverine flooding hazard along the US coasts
The cooccurrence of coastal and riverine flooding leads to compound events with
substantial impacts on people and property in low‐lying coastal areas. Climate change …
substantial impacts on people and property in low‐lying coastal areas. Climate change …
Multivariate statistical modelling of compound events via pair-copula constructions: analysis of floods in Ravenna (Italy)
Compound events (CEs) are multivariate extreme events in which the individual contributing
variables may not be extreme themselves, but their joint–dependent–occurrence causes an …
variables may not be extreme themselves, but their joint–dependent–occurrence causes an …
Compound extremes drive the western Oregon wildfires of September 2020
Several very large high‐impact fires burned nearly 4,000 km2 of mesic forests in western
Oregon during September 7–9, 2020. While infrequent, very large high‐severity fires have …
Oregon during September 7–9, 2020. While infrequent, very large high‐severity fires have …