An overview of dual-phase steels: advances in microstructure-oriented processing and micromechanically guided design
Dual-phase (DP) steel is the flagship of advanced high-strength steels, which were the first
among various candidate alloy systems to find application in weight-reduced automotive …
among various candidate alloy systems to find application in weight-reduced automotive …
A review of the extended finite element method on macrocrack and microcrack growth simulations
H Li, J Li, H Yuan - Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics, 2018 - Elsevier
During the latest 20 years, the extended finite element method (XFEM) has been gradually
used to investigate the crack growth behaviors of different materials in combination with …
used to investigate the crack growth behaviors of different materials in combination with …
Investigation of damage mechanisms related to microstructural features of ferrite-cementite steels via experiments and multiscale simulations
Spheroidized ferrite-cementite steel (SFC) is susceptible to micro-defects owing to the
mismatched deformation between the ferrite and cementite during cold forming, which …
mismatched deformation between the ferrite and cementite during cold forming, which …
Investigation of failure mechanisms in dual-phase steels through cohesive zone modeling and crystal plasticity frameworks
Dual-phase (DP) steels are characterized by their good formability and interesting material
properties, which primarily originate from their unique composition, combining the ductile …
properties, which primarily originate from their unique composition, combining the ductile …
Finite element modeling strategies for 2D and 3D delamination propagation in composite DCB specimens using VCCT, CZM and XFEM approaches
M Heidari-Rarani, M Sayedain - Theoretical and Applied Fracture …, 2019 - Elsevier
Virtual crack closure technique (VCCT), cohesive zone modeling (CZM) and extended finite
element method (XFEM) are three well-known numerical methods frequently used for crack …
element method (XFEM) are three well-known numerical methods frequently used for crack …
Damage and fracture of dual-phase steels: Influence of martensite volume fraction
The influence of the martensite volume fraction (V m) on the damage and fracture behavior
of dual-phase steels was studied by combining experiments and micromechanical …
of dual-phase steels was studied by combining experiments and micromechanical …
Characterization and modelling of failure initiation in DP steel
This work aims to study the failure initiation in dual-phase (DP) steel. A microstructure based
approach using representative volume elements (RVEs) is utilized to evaluate the …
approach using representative volume elements (RVEs) is utilized to evaluate the …
Multi-scale modeling of microstructure dependent intergranular brittle fracture using a quantitative phase-field based method
The fracture behavior of brittle materials is strongly influenced by their underlying
microstructure that needs explicit consideration for accurate prediction of fracture properties …
microstructure that needs explicit consideration for accurate prediction of fracture properties …
Microstructure based numerical simulation of the micromechanics and fracture in hypereutectic Al–Mg2Si composites
In the present study, both experimental and numerical examinations were performed to
understand the hypereutectic Al–Mg 2 Si composite's microstructural morphology …
understand the hypereutectic Al–Mg 2 Si composite's microstructural morphology …
Realistic microstructural RVE-based simulations of stress–strain behavior of a dual-phase steel having high martensite volume fraction
Micro-mechanical behavior of a low carbon, high-strength (980 MPa grade) dual-phase (DP)
steel of current technological interest that contains high volume fraction of martensite is …
steel of current technological interest that contains high volume fraction of martensite is …