PhoSim: A software simulation package designed for macroscopic and microscopic studies in the time-resolved optical tomography
PhoSim is an optical ray tracing Monte-Carlo simulator capable of reproducing the physical
processes taking place in a tissue environment when illuminated by Near-Infrared radiation …
processes taking place in a tissue environment when illuminated by Near-Infrared radiation …
[PDF][PDF] 基于 Sahu-Shanmugam 和 Fournier-Forand 体积散射函数的水下激光传输特性分析
**天松, 高翔, 周晓燕, 阳荣凯 - Laser & Optoelectronics …, 2020 -
摘要结合SahuGShanmugam 和FournierGForand 体积散射函数, 使用蒙特卡罗方法建立水下
激光传输信道模型, 利用该模型分析了接收端的光束扩展特性. 研究了三种典型水域下 …
激光传输信道模型, 利用该模型分析了接收端的光束扩展特性. 研究了三种典型水域下 …
A Monte-Carlo Simulation Approach to Mie Scattering via a New Invertible Function
The most popular way to simulate the Mie type of scattering taking place when Near-Infrared
(NI) radiation illuminates a biomedical material is by utilization of the Henyey-Greenstein …
(NI) radiation illuminates a biomedical material is by utilization of the Henyey-Greenstein …
Stochastic Light Transport through Tissues in Optical Imaging with Inverted Functions
Monte Carlo simulations for the light transport through tissue environment in many modern
biomedical optical imaging applications such as Diffuse Optical Tomography (DOT) or Time …
biomedical optical imaging applications such as Diffuse Optical Tomography (DOT) or Time …
[PDF][PDF] 海面泡沫对偏振光子的散射影响
徐华彬, 周媛媛, 周学军 - Laser & Optoelectronics Progress, 2017 -
摘要采用空心分层粒子模型, 并基于Mie 散射理论分析了海面泡沫的各项相关参量对光子的偏振
散射作用; 对量子误码率和光子偏振保真度公式进行了推导, 运用蒙特卡罗法模拟了光子穿越 …
散射作用; 对量子误码率和光子偏振保真度公式进行了推导, 运用蒙特卡罗法模拟了光子穿越 …
Feasibility Study of a Breast Phantom Imaging utilizing a Time Resolved Optical Technique
AN Rapsomanikis, M Mikeli, M Zioga… - 2019 IEEE Nuclear …, 2019 -
The utilization of Near-Infrared Radiation (NIR) to probe specific areas of the human body for
imaging purposes would benefit patients due to the absence of any dosimetric load …
imaging purposes would benefit patients due to the absence of any dosimetric load …
[PDF][PDF] PhoSim: A Simulation Package Designed for Macroscopic and Microscopic Studies in the Time-Resolved Optical Tomography
PhoSim is an optical ray tracing Monte-Carlo simulator capable of reproducing the physical
processes taking place in a tissue environment when illuminated by Near-Infrared radiation …
processes taking place in a tissue environment when illuminated by Near-Infrared radiation …