Evaluating E-learning systems success: An empirical study
E-learning, as a direct result of the integration of technology and education, has emerged as
a powerful medium of learning particularly using Internet technologies. The undeniable …
a powerful medium of learning particularly using Internet technologies. The undeniable …
Measuring the success of information systems in higher education–a systematic review
Higher education institutions (HEIs) are encountering numerous challenges in today's era of
globalization and internationalization. Among these challenges, digital transformation …
globalization and internationalization. Among these challenges, digital transformation …
Content management systems: Enriched learning opportunities for all?
This article examines the popular claim of Content Management Systems (CMSs) that
providing a rich toolset and leaving the use under learner control is beneficial to learning. By …
providing a rich toolset and leaving the use under learner control is beneficial to learning. By …
Examination of factors influencing the use of mobile learning system: An empirical study
Past studies have placed little emphasis on quality factors as the detebile learning
application provides me a promptrminants of mobile learning adoption. Thus, this study's …
application provides me a promptrminants of mobile learning adoption. Thus, this study's …
[HTML][HTML] Actual use of mobile learning technologies during social distancing circumstances: Case study of King Faisal University students
The most current highly infectious disease, which has become a global health challenge
permeating entire sectors of society, is COVID-19. In the education sector, the transmission …
permeating entire sectors of society, is COVID-19. In the education sector, the transmission …
Extending the TAM to examine the effects of quality features on mobile learning acceptance
The purpose of this study is to examine the effects of quality features on students' beliefs
towards acceptance of mobile learning based on extending technology acceptance model …
towards acceptance of mobile learning based on extending technology acceptance model …
Analysis of the essential factors affecting of intention to use of mobile learning applications: A comparison between universities adopters and non-adopters
Although mobile learning systems offer several benefits for students, academic staff and
universities, from easily access and learning anywhere and anytime, the use and …
universities, from easily access and learning anywhere and anytime, the use and …
[HTML][HTML] Adoption of M-learning apps: A sequential mediation analysis and the moderating role of personal innovativeness in information technology
J Chen - Computers in Human Behavior Reports, 2022 - Elsevier
Within the emerging context of the digitization of the education industry, mobile learning
terminals constitute a significant advance in how information is communicated. Previous …
terminals constitute a significant advance in how information is communicated. Previous …
[HTML][HTML] Examining the factors influencing the mobile learning applications usage in higher education during the COVID-19 pandemic
Recently, the emergence of the COVID-19 has caused a high acceleration towards the use
of mobile learning applications in learning and education. Investigation of the adoption of …
of mobile learning applications in learning and education. Investigation of the adoption of …
[HTML][HTML] How to make them use it? Citizens acceptance of M-government
With the evolution of mobile technologies and its applications, more and more government
agencies are putting forth a huge effort to encourage citizens to use mobile government …
agencies are putting forth a huge effort to encourage citizens to use mobile government …