Biological invasions, climate change, and genomics
Biological invasions constitute a major environmental change driver, affecting conservation,
agriculture and human health. Invasive alien species (IAS) impacts include, alterations of …
agriculture and human health. Invasive alien species (IAS) impacts include, alterations of …
The dispersal of alien species redefines biogeography in the Anthropocene
It has been argued that globalization in human-mediated dispersal of species breaks down
biogeographic boundaries, yet empirical tests are still missing. We used data on native and …
biogeographic boundaries, yet empirical tests are still missing. We used data on native and …
[HTML][HTML] Annotated and updated checklist of land and freshwater molluscs from Asturias (Northern Spain) with emphasis on parasite transmitters and exotic species
Land and freshwater molluscs are the most abundant non-arthropod invertebrates from
inland habitats worldwide, playing important ecological roles and some being important …
inland habitats worldwide, playing important ecological roles and some being important …
Pulmonate slug evolution is reflected in the de novo genome of Arion vulgaris Moquin-Tandon, 1855
Stylommatophoran pulmonate land slugs and snails successfully completed the water-to-
land transition from an aquatic ancestor and flourished on land. Of the 30,000 estimated …
land transition from an aquatic ancestor and flourished on land. Of the 30,000 estimated …
Introgressive replacement of natives by invading Arion pest slugs
Hybridization with invasive species is one of the major threats to the phenotypic and genetic
persistence of native organisms worldwide. Arion vulgaris (syn. lusitanicus) is a major …
persistence of native organisms worldwide. Arion vulgaris (syn. lusitanicus) is a major …
Positive selection on panpulmonate mitogenomes provide new clues on adaptations to terrestrial life
Background Transitions from marine to intertidal and terrestrial habitats resulted in a
significant adaptive radiation within the Panpulmonata (Gastropoda: Heterobranchia). This …
significant adaptive radiation within the Panpulmonata (Gastropoda: Heterobranchia). This …
Phylogeographic past and invasive presence of Arion pest slugs in Europe
Arion vulgaris (syn. A. lusitanicus) is the most destructive pest slug in Europe. The species
has been regarded a classic case of an ongoing biological invasion with negative economic …
has been regarded a classic case of an ongoing biological invasion with negative economic …
Slimy invasion: Climatic niche and current and future biogeography of Arion slug invaders
Aim The current volume of global trade has led to an unprecedented rate of biological
invasions, causing severe problems to native ecosystems. The knowledge of species …
invasions, causing severe problems to native ecosystems. The knowledge of species …
Arion vulgaris Moquin-Tandon, 1855–the aetiology of an invasive species
KS Zajac, M Gawel, A Filipiak, P Kramarz - Folia Malacologica, 2017 -
1 Institute of Environmental Sciences, Jagiellonian University, Gronostajowa 7, 30-387
Kraków, Poland (e-mail: kamila. zajac12@ gmail. com, mariajolantagawel@ gmail. com …
Kraków, Poland (e-mail: kamila. zajac12@ gmail. com, mariajolantagawel@ gmail. com …
Occurrence of the invasive Spanish slug in gardens: can a citizen science approach help deciphering underlying factors?
Abstract Background The Spanish slug (Arion vulgaris, also known as A. lusitanicus) is
considered one of the most invasive species in agriculture, horticulture and private gardens …
considered one of the most invasive species in agriculture, horticulture and private gardens …