Biological invasions, climate change, and genomics

SL Chown, KA Hodgins, PC Griffin - Crop Breeding, 2016 -
Biological invasions constitute a major environmental change driver, affecting conservation,
agriculture and human health. Invasive alien species (IAS) impacts include, alterations of …

The dispersal of alien species redefines biogeography in the Anthropocene

C Capinha, F Essl, H Seebens, D Moser, HM Pereira - Science, 2015 -
It has been argued that globalization in human-mediated dispersal of species breaks down
biogeographic boundaries, yet empirical tests are still missing. We used data on native and …

[HTML][HTML] Annotated and updated checklist of land and freshwater molluscs from Asturias (Northern Spain) with emphasis on parasite transmitters and exotic species

O Sánchez, J Robla, A Arias - Diversity, 2021 -
Land and freshwater molluscs are the most abundant non-arthropod invertebrates from
inland habitats worldwide, playing important ecological roles and some being important …

Pulmonate slug evolution is reflected in the de novo genome of Arion vulgaris Moquin-Tandon, 1855

Z Chen, Ö Doğan, N Guiglielmoni, A Guichard… - Scientific reports, 2022 -
Stylommatophoran pulmonate land slugs and snails successfully completed the water-to-
land transition from an aquatic ancestor and flourished on land. Of the 30,000 estimated …

Introgressive replacement of natives by invading Arion pest slugs

MA Zemanova, E Knop, G Heckel - Scientific Reports, 2017 -
Hybridization with invasive species is one of the major threats to the phenotypic and genetic
persistence of native organisms worldwide. Arion vulgaris (syn. lusitanicus) is a major …

Positive selection on panpulmonate mitogenomes provide new clues on adaptations to terrestrial life

PE Romero, AM Weigand, M Pfenninger - BMC evolutionary biology, 2016 - Springer
Background Transitions from marine to intertidal and terrestrial habitats resulted in a
significant adaptive radiation within the Panpulmonata (Gastropoda: Heterobranchia). This …

Phylogeographic past and invasive presence of Arion pest slugs in Europe

MA Zemanova, E Knop, G Heckel - Molecular Ecology, 2016 - Wiley Online Library
Arion vulgaris (syn. A. lusitanicus) is the most destructive pest slug in Europe. The species
has been regarded a classic case of an ongoing biological invasion with negative economic …

Slimy invasion: Climatic niche and current and future biogeography of Arion slug invaders

MA Zemanova, O Broennimann… - Diversity and …, 2018 - Wiley Online Library
Aim The current volume of global trade has led to an unprecedented rate of biological
invasions, causing severe problems to native ecosystems. The knowledge of species …

Arion vulgaris Moquin-Tandon, 1855–the aetiology of an invasive species

KS Zajac, M Gawel, A Filipiak, P Kramarz - Folia Malacologica, 2017 -
1 Institute of Environmental Sciences, Jagiellonian University, Gronostajowa 7, 30-387
Kraków, Poland (e-mail: kamila. zajac12@ gmail. com, mariajolantagawel@ gmail. com …

Occurrence of the invasive Spanish slug in gardens: can a citizen science approach help deciphering underlying factors?

D Dörler, M Kropf, G Laaha, JG Zaller - BMC ecology, 2018 - Springer
Abstract Background The Spanish slug (Arion vulgaris, also known as A. lusitanicus) is
considered one of the most invasive species in agriculture, horticulture and private gardens …