Randomized testing of byzantine fault tolerant algorithms
Byzantine fault-tolerant algorithms promise agreement on a correct value, even if a subset of
processes can deviate from the algorithm arbitrarily. While these algorithms provide strong …
processes can deviate from the algorithm arbitrarily. While these algorithms provide strong …
Inductive invariants that spark joy: using invariant taxonomies to streamline distributed protocol proofs
Proving the correctness of a distributed protocol is a challenging endeavor. Central to this
task is finding an inductive invariant for the protocol. Currently, automated invariant …
task is finding an inductive invariant for the protocol. Currently, automated invariant …
TLA+ model checking made symbolic
TLA+ is a language for formal specification of all kinds of computer systems. System
designers use this language to specify concurrent, distributed, and fault-tolerant protocols …
designers use this language to specify concurrent, distributed, and fault-tolerant protocols …
Inductive sequentialization of asynchronous programs
Asynchronous programs are notoriously difficult to reason about because they spawn
computation tasks which take effect asynchronously in a nondeterministic way. Devising …
computation tasks which take effect asynchronously in a nondeterministic way. Devising …
Holistic verification of blockchain consensus
Blockchain has recently attracted the attention of the industry due, in part, to its ability to
automate asset transfers. It requires distributed participants to reach a consensus on a block …
automate asset transfers. It requires distributed participants to reach a consensus on a block …
Quicksilver: modeling and parameterized verification for distributed agreement-based systems
The last decade has sparked several valiant efforts in deductive verification of distributed
agreement protocols such as consensus and leader election. Oddly, there have been far …
agreement protocols such as consensus and leader election. Oddly, there have been far …
Verification of randomized consensus algorithms under round-rigid adversaries
Randomized fault-tolerant distributed algorithms pose a number of challenges for automated
verification:(i) parameterization in the number of processes and faults,(ii) randomized …
verification:(i) parameterization in the number of processes and faults,(ii) randomized …
Parameterized verification of systems with global synchronization and guards
Inspired by distributed applications that use consensus or other agreement protocols for
global coordination, we define a new computational model for parameterized systems that is …
global coordination, we define a new computational model for parameterized systems that is …
Verifying safety of synchronous fault-tolerant algorithms by bounded model checking
Threshold automata are a formalism introduced for modeling, verification, and synthesis of
fault-tolerant distributed algorithms for asynchronous systems, that is, in interleaving …
fault-tolerant distributed algorithms for asynchronous systems, that is, in interleaving …
Refinement for structured concurrent programs
This paper presents a foundation for refining concurrent programs with structured control
flow. The verification problem is decomposed into subproblems that aid interactive program …
flow. The verification problem is decomposed into subproblems that aid interactive program …