Blended learning models, curricula, and gamification in project management education
Project management learning involves realization of the project management's knowledge
areas, familiarity with advanced tools as well as develo** abilities like critical thinking and …
areas, familiarity with advanced tools as well as develo** abilities like critical thinking and …
[HTML][HTML] Computer-based games in project management education: A review
The work-readiness of Project Management (PM) graduates has been highly discussed
topic during the last decade. Employers consistently seek graduates capable of thriving in …
topic during the last decade. Employers consistently seek graduates capable of thriving in …
Greenfield investment as a catalyst of green economic growth
The intensification of countries' growth causes the depletion of natural resources,
biodiversity degradation, ecological imbalances, damage, and disasters. The aggravation of …
biodiversity degradation, ecological imbalances, damage, and disasters. The aggravation of …
Evaluating impact on motivation and academic performance of a game-based learning experience using Kahoot
Gamification methods adapt the mechanics of games to educational environments for the
improvement of the teaching-learning process. Serious games play an important role as …
improvement of the teaching-learning process. Serious games play an important role as …
[HTML][HTML] Improving project management skills by integrating a boardgame into educational paths
The increasing demand for practical project management skills makes crucial the adoption
of innovative educational approaches. This study presents an experiment carefully designed …
of innovative educational approaches. This study presents an experiment carefully designed …
A game-based learning method to teach project management–the case of the earned value management
The earned value management (EVM) is a project management method for monitoring and
controlling project expenditure and progress. Teaching EVM is challenging as the method …
controlling project expenditure and progress. Teaching EVM is challenging as the method …
Serge–serious game for the education of risk management in software project management
Software Project Management is the systematic and disciplined approach for planning,
executing, monitoring, controlling, and closing software development projects. Risk …
executing, monitoring, controlling, and closing software development projects. Risk …
An analysis of how well serious games cover the PMBOK
Playing the role of project manager requires a certain level of knowledge and experience
from previous projects, thus enabling better decision making. The use of serious games …
from previous projects, thus enabling better decision making. The use of serious games …
Game-based didactic resources as a strategy in foreign language pedagogy
Gamification is a method widely used in recent years in the educational field to facilitate the
teaching and learning process using different game elements and mechanics. The objective …
teaching and learning process using different game elements and mechanics. The objective …
Guidelines for the development of educational games to motivate the learning of theoretical concepts in Engineering and Computing courses
Educational software, especially gaming, have been the target of research in different areas
due to their potential benefits in promoting more dynamic, interactive, and motivating …
due to their potential benefits in promoting more dynamic, interactive, and motivating …