Catchment concentration–discharge relationships across temporal scales: A review
Processes that drive variability in catchment solute sourcing, transformation, and transport
can be investigated using concentration–discharge (C–Q) relationships. These relationships …
can be investigated using concentration–discharge (C–Q) relationships. These relationships …
Can machine learning accelerate process understanding and decision‐relevant predictions of river water quality?
The global decline of water quality in rivers and streams has resulted in a pressing need to
design new watershed management strategies. Water quality can be affected by multiple …
design new watershed management strategies. Water quality can be affected by multiple …
[HTML][HTML] Urban landscapes and legacy industry provide hotspots for riverine greenhouse gases: a source-to-sea study of the River Clyde
There is growing global concern that greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from water bodies
are increasing because of interactions between nutrient levels and climate warming. This …
are increasing because of interactions between nutrient levels and climate warming. This …
[HTML][HTML] Long-term water quality monitoring in agricultural catchments in Sweden: Impact of climatic drivers on diffuse nutrient loads
G Ezzati, K Kyllmar, J Barron - Science of the Total Environment, 2023 - Elsevier
Water quality related to non-point source pollution continues to pose challenges in
agricultural landscapes, despite two completed cycles of Water Framework Directive actions …
agricultural landscapes, despite two completed cycles of Water Framework Directive actions …
Effects of 66 years of water management and hydroclimatic change on the urban hydrology and water quality of the Panke catchment, Berlin, Germany
Long-term records of combined stream flow and water chemistry can be an invaluable
source of information on changes in the quantity and quality of water resources. To …
source of information on changes in the quantity and quality of water resources. To …
Concentrations and yields of mercury, methylmercury, and dissolved organic carbon from contrasting catchments in the discontinuous permafrost region, western …
Climate change and permafrost thaw may impact the mobilization of terrestrial dissolved
organic carbon (DOC), mercury (Hg), and neurotoxic methylmercury (MeHg) into aquatic …
organic carbon (DOC), mercury (Hg), and neurotoxic methylmercury (MeHg) into aquatic …
Agricultural nitrate export patterns shaped by crop rotation and tile drainage
Excessive agricultural nitrate export to aquatic systems degrades water quality and causes
downstream ecological crises. Limited understanding of their underlying mechanisms and …
downstream ecological crises. Limited understanding of their underlying mechanisms and …
Linking Dynamic Water Storage and Subsurface Geochemical Structure Using High‐Frequency Concentration‐Discharge Records
Shifts in water fluxes and chemical heterogeneity through catchments combine to dictate
stream solute export from the Critical Zone. The ways in which these factors emerge in …
stream solute export from the Critical Zone. The ways in which these factors emerge in …
Extreme storm events shift DOC export from transport-limited to source-limited in a typical flash flood catchment
Dissolved organic carbon (DOC) export regimes are co-determined by DOC source supply
and hydrological transport. Field studies have indicated that catchment DOC export is a …
and hydrological transport. Field studies have indicated that catchment DOC export is a …
Solute export patterns across the contiguous USA
Understanding controls on solute export to streams is challenging because heterogeneous
catchments can respond uniquely to drivers of environmental change. To understand …
catchments can respond uniquely to drivers of environmental change. To understand …