A review of developments in pilot-plant testing and modelling of calcium loo** process for CO 2 capture from power generation systems
A nearly complete decarbonisation of the power sector is essential to meet the European
Union target for greenhouse gas emissions reduction. Carbon capture and storage …
Union target for greenhouse gas emissions reduction. Carbon capture and storage …
Chemical loo** processes for CO 2 capture and carbonaceous fuel conversion–prospect and opportunity
Chemical loo** processes offer a compelling way for effective and viable carbonaceous
fuel conversion into clean energy carriers. The uniqueness of chemical loo** processes …
fuel conversion into clean energy carriers. The uniqueness of chemical loo** processes …
Demonstration of steady state CO2 capture in a 1.7 MWth calcium loo** pilot
Calcium loo**, CaL, is rapidly develo** as a postcombustion CO 2 capture technology
because its similarity to existing power plants using circulating fluidized bed combustors …
because its similarity to existing power plants using circulating fluidized bed combustors …
Conventional and optimized testing facilities of calcium loo** process for CO2 capture: A systematic review
CO 2 generated by the combustion of fossil fuels is the main source of global warming.
Carbon capture and storage (CCS) is considered to play a crucial role in reducing …
Carbon capture and storage (CCS) is considered to play a crucial role in reducing …
[HTML][HTML] The novel SiO2-decorated highly robust waste-derived activated carbon with homogeneous fluidity for the CO2 capture process
Biomass-derived activated carbon (AC) is considered auspicious for alleviating various
environmental pollutants. We reported the usage of a developed biomass-based AC as a …
environmental pollutants. We reported the usage of a developed biomass-based AC as a …
[HTML][HTML] Calcium loo** for CO2 capture and thermochemical heat storage, a potential technology for carbon neutrality: a review
CO 2 emissions have posed numerous global challenges, leading to an increasing
consensus on the need for carbon neutrality in future development. CO 2 capture and …
consensus on the need for carbon neutrality in future development. CO 2 capture and …
Multicycle CO2 capture activity and fluidizability of Al-based synthesized CaO sorbents
CaO-based materials have been identified as promising sorbents for highly efficient pre-
combustion and post-combustion CO 2 capture in fluidized beds operated at high …
combustion and post-combustion CO 2 capture in fluidized beds operated at high …
Review and research needs of Ca-Loo** systems modelling for post-combustion CO2 capture applications
Ca-Loo** technology has experienced a substantial development in the technical
readiness level in the last years, especially in its application as post-combustion CO 2 …
readiness level in the last years, especially in its application as post-combustion CO 2 …
Development of the calcium loo** CO2 capture technology from lab to pilot scale at IFK, University of Stuttgart
Calcium Loo** CO 2 capture technology has made vast progress within the last 10 years
and has become a viable option for efficient CO 2 capture from power plant flue gases …
and has become a viable option for efficient CO 2 capture from power plant flue gases …
Experimental Validation of the Calcium Loo** CO2 Capture Process with Two Circulating Fluidized Bed Carbonator Reactors
Postcombustion CO2 capture using CaO as a regenerable solid sorbent in a circulating
fluidized bed (CFB) carbonator is emerging as a promising CO2 capture technology …
fluidized bed (CFB) carbonator is emerging as a promising CO2 capture technology …