ADFNE: Open source software for discrete fracture network engineering, two and three dimensional applications

YF Alghalandis - Computers & Geosciences, 2017 - Elsevier
Rapidly growing topic, the discrete fracture network engineering (DFNE), has already
attracted many talents from diverse disciplines in academia and industry around the world to …

Impact of fracture geometry and topology on the connectivity and flow properties of stochastic fracture networks

W Zhu, S Khirevich, TW Patzek - Water Resources Research, 2021 - Wiley Online Library
In a low permeability formation, connectivity of natural and induced fractures determines
overall hydraulic diffusivity in fluid flow through this formation and defines effective rock …

Impacts of T-type intersections on the connectivity and flow in complex two-dimensional fracture networks

W Zhu, Z Chen, Y Yang, W Gong, M Wang - Engineering Geology, 2023 - Elsevier
Natural fractures usually form T-type intersections, but the impacts of T-type intersections on
the connectivity and flow results (such as permeability and fluid production) in complex …

[HTML][HTML] HatchFrac: A fast open-source DFN modeling software

W Zhu, S Khirevich, TW Patzek - Computers and Geotechnics, 2022 - Elsevier
This paper introduces a comprehensive C++ software package, HatchFrac, for stochastic
modeling of fracture networks in two and three dimensions. The inverse cumulative …

Connectivity field: a measure for characterising fracture networks

YF Alghalandis, PA Dowd, C Xu - Mathematical Geosciences, 2015 - Springer
Abstract Analysis of the connectivity of a fracture network is an important component of the
design, assessment and development of fracture-based reservoirs in geothermal, petroleum …

[HTML][HTML] Connectivity evaluation of fracture networks considering the correlation between trace length and aperture

F Huang, C Yao, J Yang, C He, Y Shao… - Applied Mathematical …, 2020 - Elsevier
Connectivity evaluation of fracture networks is important in the design, assessment, and
development of reservoirs in various engineering applications involving geothermal …

Similarity analysis of discrete fracture networks

YF Alghalandis, D Elmo, E Eberhardt - arxiv preprint arxiv:1711.05257, 2017 -
Applications of Discrete Fracture Network (DFN) modeling are becoming increasingly
prevalent in engineering analyses involving fractured rock masses. For example, kinematic …


L BAI, B HUANG, Z QIN, P QIN, K XU - Journal of Engineering Geology, 2023 -
Since the impoundment of the Three Gorges Reservoir at 175 m, the water level has
periodically fluctuated, causing the strength of the bank slope to decrease and gradually …

[BOK][B] Fracture Characterization in Geothermal Reservoirs Using Time-lapse Electric Potential Data

L Magnúsdóttir - 2013 -
The configuration of fractures in a geothermal reservoir is central to the performance of the
system. The interconnected fractures control the heat and mass transport in the reservoir …

Connectivity and Flowrate Estimation of Discrete Fracture Network Using Artificial Neural Network

A Esmailzadeh, A Kamali, K Shahriar… - Journal of Soft …, 2018 -
Hydraulic parameters of rock mass are the most effective factors that affect rock mass
behavioral and mechanical analysis. Aforementioned parameters include intensity and …