RevCore: Review-augmented conversational recommendation
Existing conversational recommendation (CR) systems usually suffer from insufficient item
information when conducted on short dialogue history and unfamiliar items. Incorporating …
information when conducted on short dialogue history and unfamiliar items. Incorporating …
Generating radiology reports via memory-driven transformer
Medical imaging is frequently used in clinical practice and trials for diagnosis and treatment.
Writing imaging reports is time-consuming and can be error-prone for inexperienced …
Writing imaging reports is time-consuming and can be error-prone for inexperienced …
Aspect-based sentiment analysis with type-aware graph convolutional networks and layer ensemble
It is popular that neural graph-based models are applied in existing aspect-based sentiment
analysis (ABSA) studies for utilizing word relations through dependency parses to facilitate …
analysis (ABSA) studies for utilizing word relations through dependency parses to facilitate …
Dependency-driven relation extraction with attentive graph convolutional networks
Syntactic information, especially dependency trees, has been widely used by existing
studies to improve relation extraction with better semantic guidance for analyzing the context …
studies to improve relation extraction with better semantic guidance for analyzing the context …
Named entity recognition for social media texts with semantic augmentation
Existing approaches for named entity recognition suffer from data sparsity problems when
conducted on short and informal texts, especially user-generated social media content …
conducted on short and informal texts, especially user-generated social media content …
Joint aspect extraction and sentiment analysis with directional graph convolutional networks
End-to-end aspect-based sentiment analysis (EASA) consists of two sub-tasks: the first
extracts the aspect terms in a sentence and the second predicts the sentiment polarities for …
extracts the aspect terms in a sentence and the second predicts the sentiment polarities for …
Taming pre-trained language models with n-gram representations for low-resource domain adaptation
Large pre-trained models such as BERT are known to improve different downstream NLP
tasks, even when such a model is trained on a generic domain. Moreover, recent studies …
tasks, even when such a model is trained on a generic domain. Moreover, recent studies …
Improving named entity recognition with attentive ensemble of syntactic information
Named entity recognition (NER) is highly sensitive to sentential syntactic and semantic
properties where entities may be extracted according to how they are used and placed in the …
properties where entities may be extracted according to how they are used and placed in the …
Summarizing medical conversations via identifying important utterances
Summarization is an important natural language processing (NLP) task in identifying key
information from text. For conversations, the summarization systems need to extract salient …
information from text. For conversations, the summarization systems need to extract salient …
Enhancing aspect-level sentiment analysis with word dependencies
Aspect-level sentiment analysis (ASA) has received much attention in recent years. Most
existing approaches tried to leverage syntactic information, such as the dependency parsing …
existing approaches tried to leverage syntactic information, such as the dependency parsing …