Geology and metallogeny of tungsten and tin deposits in China
Tungsten and Sn deposits in China are widely distributed in the South China block (ie,
Yangtze craton-Cathaysian block), Himalaya, Tibetan, Sanjiang, Kunlun, Qilian, Qinling …
Yangtze craton-Cathaysian block), Himalaya, Tibetan, Sanjiang, Kunlun, Qilian, Qinling …
The role of hydrothermal alteration in tungsten mineralization at the Dahutang tungsten deposit, South China
Y Zhang, JF Gao, D Ma, J Pan - Ore Geology Reviews, 2018 - Elsevier
The giant Dahutang tungsten deposit has total reserves of more than 1.31 Mt of WO 3 with a
scheelite/wolframite ratio of∼ 1 and is mainly hosted by the Neoproterozoic Jiuling …
scheelite/wolframite ratio of∼ 1 and is mainly hosted by the Neoproterozoic Jiuling …
[HTML][HTML] Fractionation of Li, Be, Ga, Nb, Ta, In, Sn, Sb, W and Bi in the peraluminous early permian Variscan granites of the Cornubian Batholith: Precursor processes …
Abstract The Early Permian Variscan Cornubian Batholith is a peraluminous, composite
pluton intruded into Devonian and Carboniferous metamorphosed sedimentary and volcanic …
pluton intruded into Devonian and Carboniferous metamorphosed sedimentary and volcanic …
Tin in granitic melts: The role of melting temperature and protolith composition
Granite bound tin mineralization typically is seen as the result of extreme magmatic
fractionation and late exsolution of magmatic fluids. Mineralization, however, also could be …
fractionation and late exsolution of magmatic fluids. Mineralization, however, also could be …
Ore deposits of the French Massif Central: insight into the metallogenesis of the Variscan collision belt
C Marignac, M Cuney - Mineralium Deposita, 1999 - Springer
Abstract The French Massif Central (FMC) represents the whole West European Variscan
(WEV) belt, in terms of both the geodynamic evolution and the metallic content. Thus, a study …
(WEV) belt, in terms of both the geodynamic evolution and the metallic content. Thus, a study …
A felsic meta-igneous source for Li-F-rich peraluminous granites: insights from the Variscan Velay dome (French Massif Central) and implications for rare-metal …
The Velay anatectic dome in the Variscan French Massif Central exposes a low-pressure–
high-temperature metamorphic sequence, which represents an ideal natural laboratory for …
high-temperature metamorphic sequence, which represents an ideal natural laboratory for …
Lithium isotopic systematics of granites and pegmatites from the Black Hills, South Dakota
To study Li isotopic fractionation during granite differentiation and late-stage pegmatite
evolution, Li isotopic compositions and concentrations have been measured for the S-type …
evolution, Li isotopic compositions and concentrations have been measured for the S-type …
Mica trace-element signatures: Highlighting superimposed W-Sn mineralizations and fluid sources
In the Echassières district of the French Massif Central, occur several outstanding magmatic/
hydrothermal systems enriched in strategic metals, such as the Beauvoir rare-metal granite …
hydrothermal systems enriched in strategic metals, such as the Beauvoir rare-metal granite …
[HTML][HTML] Uranium, rare metals, and granulite-facies metamorphism
During granulite-facies metamorphism of metasedimentary rocks by the infiltration of
carbonic fluids, the disappearance of hydrated minerals leads to the liberation of aqueous …
carbonic fluids, the disappearance of hydrated minerals leads to the liberation of aqueous …
Insights from mineral trace chemistry on the origin of NYF and mixed LCT+ NYF pegmatites and their mineralization at Mangodara, SW Burkina Faso
WME Bonzi, M Van Lichtervelde, O Vanderhaeghe… - Mineralium …, 2023 - Springer
The Mangodara district (southwestern of Burkina Faso, West African Craton) consists of a
regional-scale Eburnean dome cored by granitoid-gneisses comprising rafts of migmatitic …
regional-scale Eburnean dome cored by granitoid-gneisses comprising rafts of migmatitic …